Friday, September 4, 2020
Chronic Illness and Palliative Care. Master Nursing Essay
Constant Illness and Palliative Care. Ace Nursing - Essay Example The conversation in this paper will be founded on the standards of care of a patient with a constant disease which is asthma in endeavors to investigate three principle ideas, living with asthma and patients personal satisfaction; the customer's strengthening through self-administration care and the congruity of care in a multidisciplinary group approach with a palliative consideration setting. As indicated by the definition gave by the World Health Organization (1990), Palliative consideration is the dynamic absolute consideration of patients whose infection isn't receptive to corrective treatment. Control of agony or different side effects and mental, social and otherworldly issues in this setting are of central significance (pp. 804). As to qualities and morals in palliative consideration, ethike is a Greek word from which the word morals is determined. Ethos is a worth which one has and reliably applies to one's life. Inside the palliative consideration setting, there are three p arts of patient consideration that need exceptional consideration: the domains of the palliative consideration understanding; the domain of the palliative consideration nurture; and the domain of the palliative consideration group. ... Scott was determined to have asthma at age of six years. There are a few factors, for example, dairy items; shellfish; electrical tempests and dairy dust that trigger his asthma assaults. Scott is hitched, however his significant other left him three months back and his condition deteriorates and the house doesn't have a similar standard as in the past. In his push to discover lightening of the indications of asthma, Scott goes to his 45 to multi year old wellbeing evaluation just because. The Patient's Diagnosis Scott was determined to have asthma at age of six years. His asthma is an incessant condition. As of late, Scott is griping of terrible asthma assault which halted him to go to his work obviously. Furthermore, Scott has psoriasis and the historical backdrop of having it is obscure. In any case, the medical caretaker professional should direct an exhaustive wellbeing appraisal so as to pick up encourages insights regarding the analysis of both malady, treatment, and the metho d of self administration that is trailed by Scott so as to command over his condition. Estimating the seriousness level of asthma is dictated by the doctor by requesting that the customer have a lung work test (LFT), which a breathing test that distinguish whether the individual is having asthma and its seriousness. Another test that should be possible effectively by the patient is spirometry, which is an instrument that is viewed as the most precise test to decide asthma (Department of Health and Aging, 2010b). Living With Asthma is an incessant fiery illness of the aviation routes and lung. It is described by wheezing, hacking, chest snugness and brevity of breath. There are a portion of the hazard factors that add to trigger asthma assault, for example, colds and influenza, air
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Reasons Youll Fall in Love with Yales Location Culture
Yale University might be one of the Ivy League colleges, however numerous candidates are as yet careful about its area and culture, particularly when contrasted with its Ivy League partners like Harvard and Princeton. Stressed over the living condition in New Haven? Dont - take it from these Yale students:e.harburgYale ‘18Yale is over each of the a strong and supporting environmentnot something you find at each top level school. I genuinely feel like Im a piece of a bigger network that I can contact and learn from.FishstarkYale ‘17New Haven is an INCREDIBLE city with a ton of chances to get included, a rich history and culture, and extraordinary food, shopping, and expressions alternatives. Ive truly delighted in becoming acquainted with the city; it feels like far beyond simply where Yale is, its as much my home as Yale. A few people dont decide to draw in with it to an extreme, which is a disgrace. The individuals who do are never disappointed.YalebulldogYale ‘15 Understudies at Yale are unassuming and practical. In addition, Yale is putting such a lot of cash in technical studies, so discovering research openings here is simple. Everything necessary is sending an email to a teacher. There are additionally such a significant number of associations to pay for the expense of your lodging and food while doing investigate. Your examination doesn't need to be at Yale. You can be anyplace on the planet and Yale will remain pay for you-it doesn't make a difference on the off chance that you are on budgetary guide or not. Yale likewise has a solid prompting and supporting framework. They truly take a generally excellent consideration of you, scholastically, socially and monetarily. Such a large number of guides to request help thus numerous advocates to request non-scholastic help.annemariemcdanielYale ‘16 My preferred thing about Yale University was the energy, excitement, and character of the understudy body, and how Yale cultivated that bond. Understudies are haphazardly doled out to one of the twelve private school (consider them Hogwarts Houses, yet without the Sorting Hat) that make networks inside the college. For each of the four years at Yale, you live in private school only for your school, you play intramurals as a group, you have your own eating lobby, library, amusement room, and rec center inside your structure, and you figure out how to become companions with around 100 individuals in your school. Yale likewise makes solid networks through its solid help of clubs, giving them the cash, space, and exposure to have occasions both of all shapes and sizes for understudies. You frequently become more acquainted with individuals inside your significant well, since you likely take comparative classes for your four years, yet additionally get the opportunity to make companions a nd study different teaches through the distributional prerequisites, which resemble general training measures at different schools. At the point when I visited Yale for Bulldog Days, I felt how the Yale people group would assist me with growing, make deep rooted companionships, and feel comfortable at Yale. It is safe to say that you are hoping to apply to Yale? Picking where to head off to college is an extraordinarily significant choice. Settle on an educated decision by conversing with current understudies on ourmentorship stage. Access 60,000+ successfulcollege application filesuploaded by understudies (they get paid when you see them). is a network of understudies helping understudies. We will likely bring genuinely necessary straightforwardness to advanced education.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
What impact does age has on technostress Research Paper
What effect ages has on technostress - Research Paper Example Adjusting to innovation isn't generally straightforward, and this has prompted a wellbeing concern; the weight coming about because of broad innovation use has prompted technostress, which is a cutting edge sickness brought about by people’s lack of ability to manage new advancements positively. Technostress likewise alludes to all the unconstructive effects on practices, body physiology, and musings coming about straightforwardly or in a roundabout way from innovation (Coklar and Sahin, 2011). It influences the memory in this way making individuals forget about what they needed to state or do. Technostress is typically apparent in two diverse however interconnected structures: in the push to get innovation and in over-recognizable proof with PC innovation. It influences experts and officials, custodians, financiers, understudies and teenagers, curators, store agents, web clients, home PC clients, and official help faculty and numerous others. The basic reasons for technostress incorporate issues of innovation tension, time the executives, absence of appropriate preparing, an expanded outstanding task at hand, the brisk pace of mechanical change, the unwavering quality on programming and equipment, and absence of normalization with advancements (Ennis, 2005). It is reliant o n age, sexual orientation, and proficiency. Tarafdar et al. (2007) found that the seniors experience less technostress than more youthful individuals at work, ladies experience lower technostress than men, and those with prevalent PC education than the individuals who without. Studies exploring the effect old enough on technostress are restricted and subsequently this examination tries to look at this relationship. The adverse mental association among people and presentation of new advances influences people’s profitability. Technostress shows itself in each individual in different degrees relying upon age. This forestalls adapting or adjusting to data in a solid manner, which keeps them from being gainful. Most people feel habitual about
News Analysis Free Essays
This article via Caren Bohan is entitled â€Å"Clinton, Obama plan for the fight to come in Wisconsin.†The newsworthiness of the piece has been dictated by the way that it quickly concerns the American individuals. It likewise includes proximate issues that have to do with the up-coming presidential decisions and is worried about the determination of the two people who will compete for the administration later in this year. We will compose a custom exposition test on News Analysis or on the other hand any comparable subject just for you Request Now The contention level of the circumstance is high. Hilary Clinton, who had been in the number one spot for the majority rule nomination, has now lost that lead as Obama has as of late won in eight states in succession (Bohan 2008). The story, found on a Canadian site ( is put on the planet news area as a high-need story. This has been controlled by the way that as a nearby neighbor who shares an outskirt, the political news that profoundly concerns United States residents is likewise of incredible worry to the perusers of this news site. The feature is clear and to the point, portraying unequivocally the subsequent stage in the fight between the two applicants. The picture of Barack Obama is found inside the article, and is all around put at the top. Another picture, one of Hilary Clinton, is likewise promptly open by tapping on joins related with â€Å"more pictures†(Bohan, 2008). The candidates’ business in Wisconsin is given in detail, yet just Hilary Clinton is carefully cited in the article, as it was shown that Obama attempted to maintain a strategic distance from the press. Nonetheless, citations are given concerning Obama’s business as distinguished by his representative Bill Burton. The general effect of the story is that Obama’s prevalence in the United States is fortifying, leaving Hilary Clinton feeling compromised. The journalists allude to her firmly engaging for the assistance of a portion of her supporters, and suggest that her announcement â€Å"I’m feeling great today†speaks to a camouflage of her tension. Since this popularity based race speaks to a significant political occasion, it tends to be seen that care is taken to give top to bottom examination of the candidates’ positions and what that may mean for their possibilities. The story additionally had an eye to the future, with expectations made (or proposed) about up-coming and related political occasions. This shows the effect that the result of this significant political occasion is probably going to have on the eventual fate of America. Reference Bohan, Caren. â€Å"Clinton, Obama plan for the fight to come in Wisconsin.† where  â viewpoints associate. Canwest Publishing. Step by step instructions to refer to News Analysis, Essay models
Friday, August 21, 2020
US Counter Terrorism Policy essays
US Counter Terrorism Policy papers Previously, the United States has sought after its own vision of global security dependent on a specific origination of governmental issues. Its approaches have normally incorporated the utilization of physical capacity to underscore key points. This paper tries to campaign the subtleties of US military commitment in the particular setting of counterterrorism strategy. The governmental issues of physical power navigates the requirement for both good and strategic legitimization. In a more extensive structure of key precept, the utilization of power to accomplish vital objectives directs a thorough appraisal of the elements of military imperatives and political real factors. In this way, the principal accomplishment of a driven and one-sided United States counterterrorism regulation pivots upon its capacity to center upon the substantial and political possibilities of organizing a War on Terrorism. So as to go to wage a war there must be a recognizable foe. Inside the limitations of o ur state-driven global framework, there is an equivalent need to suit for the political atmosphere wherein one exists. The inability to comprehend both the foe and nature will bring about unbalanced approaches that block the accomplishment of key objectives. In the wake of 9/11, with the ensuing wars on Afghanistan and Iraq, there in an undeniably increased reasonableness of the requirement for a merged US position contra psychological oppression that clarifies an unmistakable and practical arrangement for military commitment to block the threats of royal overextend. The utilization of military power by the United States according to Afghanistan and Iraq incited, and keeps on provoking, discussion and analysis. Recommendations of approach conflation (with respect to whether fear was the genuine objective of these military endeavors) bring up a significant issue of figuring out what meaningfully establishes the psychological oppressor risk. Furthermore, the useful contemplations supporting broad military duties pose a potential threat. Without ventu... <!
Saturday, August 8, 2020
Our 2017-18 Common App Tutorial is Live! - College Essay Advisors Admissions Essay Experts
Our 2017-18 Common App Tutorial is Live! - College Essay Advisors Admissions Essay Experts Our 2017-18 Common App Tutorial is Live! Our 2017-18 Common App Tutorial is Live! We know you’ve been anxiously awaiting the brand new Common Application for the 2017-18 application season (we have!) so you can get those college applications started. Although the Common Application platform has been around for years, it’s probably your first time making an account and using the site. Even if you have poked around before August 1st, a new layout has been launched and that means there are new features to revel in and/or wrestle with. That’s why we made a tutorial to guide you through the platform and help you understand everything from the Common App’s new Google Drive integration to the ins and outs of navigating the supplemental essay search. Watch below! We know you’ve been anxiously awaiting the brand new Common Application for the 2017-18 application season (we have!) so you can get those college applications started. Although the Common Application platform has been around for years, it’s probably your first time making an account and using the s About Kat StubingView all posts by Kat Stubing »
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
Is There A Housing Bubble In Hong Kong Dissertation - 36300 Words
Is There A Housing Bubble In Hong Kong Dissertation (Dissertation Sample) Content: Is there a housing bubble in Hong Kong?AbstractThis study uses the PSY (Phillips, Shi, and Yu, 2011) method to detect the presence of housing bubbles in Hong Kong for all house classes (A, B, C, D and E) (based on the area) as identified by the Ratings and Valuation Department, Government of Hong Kong for the period January 2003November 2016. On analysing the monthly price-rent ratio, multiple bubbles were observed over the observation period, the frequency of which increased with the area of the houses. While, most of the bubbles observed in the last decade are negative bubbles (because of the global economic uncertainty), most of the bubbles observed in this decade are positive bubbles (recovery by the global economy). Despite the housing price in Hong Kong falling down drastically in 2016, a housing bubble is still found to be present, as observed for November 2016.Table of ContentsIntroduction..6-8Background to the studyResearch overviewStructure of the dissertat ionLiterature Review9-19Mechanism of the property bubbleMethods of bubble detectionOverview of Hong Kong real estate marketResearch Methodology.20-24Sampling data collectionResearch approach analysis techniquesFindings..25-42Price indicesRental indicesPrice-to-rent ratioDetection of bubblesTime stamping of bubblesDiscussion43-45Observation 1Observation 2Observation 3Observation 4Conclusion46-48Summary of the researchRecommendation to stakeholdersLimitations of the studyValidity of the studyReferencesAppendicesList of FiguresFigure 1: Structure of this dissertationFigure 2: Asset bubble mechanismFigure 3: Price Index for All ClassesFigure 4: Rental Index for All ClassesFigure 5: Price-rent ratio for Class AFigure 6: Price-rent ratio for Class BFigure 7: Price-rent ratio for Class CFigure 8: Price-rent ratio for Class DFigure 9: Price-rent ratio for Class EFigure 10: BSDFr2 (r0) statistics for Class AFigure 11: BSDFr2 (r0) statistics for Class BFigure 12: BSDFr2 (r0) statistics for Class CFigure 13: BSDFr2 (r0) statistics for Class DFigure 14: BSDFr2 (r0) statistics for Class EList of TablesTable 1: Class of houses based on the areaTable 2: Descriptive statistics for price-rent ratio for Class ATable 3: Descriptive statistics for price-rent ratio for Class BTable 4: Descriptive statistics for price-rent ratio for Class CTable 5: Descriptive statistics for price-rent ratio for Class DTable 6: Descriptive statistics for price-rent ratio for Class ETable 7: sup sup DF statistics for all the classesTable 8: No. of bubbles for all the classes 1 Introduction 1 Background to the studyOver the last two decades, both the advanced and the emerging economies have been plagued by several financial crises- the Asian financial crisis, the Dot-Com crisis, the European debt crisis and the global financial crisis. Despite the asset being different in each of these crises, these crisis were characterised by the collapse of asset pricing bubbles (Yui et al., 2013). One su ch asset, real estate is a very important asset class especially for the investors in the Asian economies as the Asian investors are known to buy the properties for price appreciation instead of simply dwelling purpose (Tsai Peng, 2011), which results in the dynamics of the housing market in the Asian economies potentially impacting the global financial stability (Hui, 2011). Based on the above severity of the crises as a result of bubble implosion, the economists and the policymakers search for ways to detect bubbles early, so that appropriate measures can be taken to deflate the asset bubbles before they implode.Over the period, 2003-2015, the inflation-adjusted price of the apartments in Hong Kong rose by a factor of 3.8, which is much higher than the observed growth in the United States, prior to the 2007 subprime crisis (Richmond Roehner, 2016). This rapid growth in the housing prices can either be a result of the high demand or be an indication of the presence of a bubble. O f late, there are contrasting views on the housing prices and the presence of a bubble in the housing sector in Hong Kong - In April 2016, Richter (2016) highlighted that the housing bubble in Hong Kong has imploded as characterized by the collapsing sales and the prices falling down by 11.7% over the period September 2015 March 2016. Property analyst Nomura added that over the next two years the fall in price will continue. Nomura also estimated the housing prices to fall by approximately 19.7% till the end of 2017. However, in September 2016, Zheng (2016) referred to the finding by UBS that Hong Kong has the highest price-to-income value in the world. Although the rent prices in Hong Kong have decreased by 8% since the peak value which was achieved in 2015, the price-to-rent ratio is still considered to be at an unsustainable level, which shows that the risk of a bubble is still there, thus a possibility of further implosion of the bubble still remains.The need for this research arises because of these contrasting views on the presence of a bubble in the housing market in Hong Kong. 2 Research overviewThis research attempts to answer the following research question-Is there a bubble in the real house price in Hong Kong?Stiglitz (1990) defined an asset bubble to be present if there is a dramatic increase in the price of the asset followed by an immediate dramatic fall in the price. He was of the opinion that the investors perception about the assets price rising in the future is the reason that the current asset price also increases.The most popular method to identify the presence of a bubble is the present value method, which is difficult to use with accuracy, as a result several indirect methods like the bubble proxy and forewarning indices are recommended to detect a bubble using several indicators which have strong correlation with the bubbles. The bubble proxy method uses one indicator whereas the forewarning method creates an index using several indic ators. The widely used indicators are priceincome ratio, pricerent ratio and vacancy rate (Yu, 2015).This research uses the bubble proxy method suggested by Phillips et al. (PSY) (2011) which is a modification of the method suggested by Phillips et al. (PWY) (2011)) to determine the presence of the bubble in the housing market in Hong Kong. The observation period for this research is 2003-2016, the rationale behind the selection of the observation period is discussed in the third chapter. 3 Structure of the dissertationThis dissertation is structured in six chapters which are demonstrated below:Figure 1: Structure of this dissertation 2 Literature reviewIn this chapter, the relevant literature on the mechanism of the property bubble, methods of bubble detection and the Hong Kong real estate market will be reviewed.2.1 Mechanism of the property bubbleBrunnermeier (2008), further added to earlier-mentioned definition of Stiglitz (1990) that the investors expectation about the asset prices to increase in the future, results in a price deviation from the fundamental value. However, the supporters of efficient markets denied the possibility of a bubble, as they believed that the market price is justified (Smith Smith, 2006). Blanchard Fisher (1989) identified that the price of the asset is made up of two components the bubble price and the fundamental price. Stiglitz (1990) also found that if the current asset price cannot be justified by the fundamental factors, then it could be an indication of presence of an asset bubble. The difference between the market price and the price estimated by the fundamentals cannot sustain for long, and as a result the bubble bursts and the price drops (Hui, 2011). However, it needs to be understood that the increasing asset prices or high prices of the asset are not necessarily a sign of the bubble (Feng Wu, 2015).Lind (2008) identified three kinds of bubbles. The first are the purely speculative bubbles, where the buyers bel ieve that the current asset price is high and will eventually fall. However, they also believe that the fall will not be immediate and that they will be able to sell the asset at a profit before the price of the asset falls. The second type are the irrational expectations bubbles, where the investors are over-optimistic and expect the price of the assets to grow rapidly and to keep doing so for a long time. The estimated future price being much higher than the historical average price, results in the investor paying a higher price when he purchases. The third type are the irrat...
Saturday, May 23, 2020
The No Child Left Behind Act, High Stakes Testing - 776 Words
While America’s educational community is emerged in discussing the No Child Left Behind Act, high stakes testing, and what these new versions of old ideas actually mean for the larger society, the National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES) 2005 report shows that African-American males continue to spiral further down the achievement ladder. They are not thriving or surviving in many school settings. They have been flagged by Statistics as the highest rank among students who choose to leave school; are suspended, expelled, or kicked out of school. Unfortunately, the same is also true when it comes to poor test scores, low GPAs and high rates of referral and placement in special education. In stark contrast, African-American males are underrepresented in gifted education (NCES, 2005; Whiting, 2004; as cited in (Whiting, 2006, p. 222). This dismal data hold most true for African-American males in middle and high schools although elementary school age Afr ican-American males are included. As African-American males tread through the educational pipeline, they appear to become less academically engaged (Ferguson, 2001; as cited in Whiting, p. 222). Th ¬ey appear to have learned to underachieve (Ford, 1996; as cited in Whiting), to devalue academics and school (Ogbu, 2003, 2004), School for them is not a place to develop their sense of identity, particularly self-worth and self-efficacy (Whiting, 2004). In contrast, African-AmericanShow MoreRelatedHigh Stakes Testing And The Education System1529 Words  | 7 PagesHigh Stakes Testing has been overly integrated in the education systems. High-stakes testing are used to determine grade retention, school curriculum, and whether or not students will receive a high school diploma (Myers, 2015). Since the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) of 2001, high stakes testing has become the norm and mandating that students must pass a standardized test before moving up in gra de. As a special education director, the focus is to ensure the student’s accommodations are being followedRead MoreThe No Child Left Behind Act869 Words  | 4 Pages As far as learning for standardized testing goes there is a federal act involved that plays a role in the educational system and controls how the educational system teaches and tests these students. This act is named, The No Child Left Behind Act. This act makes standardized assessments mandatory for all fifty states. This law serves a purpose to test students in reading and math for grades three through eight. In high school, students are required to test and they are expected to meet or exceedRead MoreNo Child Left Behind Act Vs. Every Student Succeeds Act Essay1711 Words  | 7 Pages Boesenberg No Child Left Behind Act vs. Every Student Succeeds Act December 10, 2015: We Won, RIP No Child Left Behind! Headlines such as this one, seen on the American Federation of Teachers newsletter, were commonplace on this momentous day for all involved in the American educational system. Newspapers ranging from the New York Times to the Washington Post, to nearly every small town daily chronicle, celebrated the end of a much-maligned era; that of No Child Left Behind. On this momentousRead MoreThe No Child Left Behind952 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"In 2002, the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) law was the first to mandate nationwide testing at various grade levels†(Breiner, 2015). Since then, summative tests have been used to assess the achievement of students and increase accountability for both the schools and teachers (Kubiszyn Borich, 2013, p. 15-25). These summative tests, also referred to as high-stakes tests, are given annually to students in third to ninth grade in language arts, math, and reading (Roach, 2014; Shepard, 2003). ThereRead MoreEssay on austin educationalissues1652 Words  | 7 Pagesissues that currently exist in education include high stakes testing, common core curriculum, and the use of social media. High Stakes Testing Standardized tests are used throughout the country to measure student learning. High stakes tests are those used to measure students’ successes and failures. In the United States, high stakes tests are used for accountability purposes. These tests measure the success or failure of a school as a whole. High stakes tests have been a concern for America’s educationalRead MoreTaking a Look at Standardized Testing1518 Words  | 6 PagesStandardized Testing Currently Standardized Testing is one of the many issues currently plaguing the education community. Testing is a very touchy and controversial topic in the politics of education, particularly in the United States. There are many varying opinions debating on the successes and failures in the process of testing today. The controversies over standardized testing in the United State, and specifically New Jersey, stem from the testing process and the creation of these tests. SomeRead More No Child Left Behind Assessment Essay1289 Words  | 6 Pagesprofessors, psychologists or parents. The stakes are high; ideology and money are at stake, and accountability is on the line. Using standardized tests as quantitative measurement tools have important implications for American education, â€Å"quality of assessment is one of the key features of good teaching and setting appropriate assessment tasks should question students in a way that demands evidence of understanding†(Jimaa, 20011, p. 2 17). The No Child Left Behind (NCLB) education reform program is aRead MoreAssessments Hold Schools, States and Nations Accountable Essay1439 Words  | 6 PagesAccording to IRA standards, â€Å"the primary purpose of assessment is to improve teaching and learning†(International Reading Association, n.d.). This connotation would seem to contradict the uselessness of focused teacher-testing in today’s classroom during the major assessment phase of the school year. However, according to Johnson and Johnson (2002) and Steward (2004), they believe that assessments are useful in holding schools, states and nations, accountable throughout the educational process forRead MoreThe Reauthorization Of The Elementary And Secondary Education Act948 Words  | 4 Pages Every Student Succeeds Act was a new law that was signed into legislation in 2015 by President Barak Obama. ESSA is a biparty educational reform law was designed from several aspects of No Child Left Behind. The United States Department of Education (2015) stated that ESSA focuses on factors such as, advancing equity for the nations disadvantaged students by investing more in preschool programs, local innovations, reporting student progress on all high stakes assessments to all stakeholdersRead MoreStandardized Testing Is Not An Accurate Test Of A Student s Academic Ability1546 Words  | 7 PagesStandardized testing is not an accurate test of a student’s academic ability. Imagine sitting in a classroom and all you are thinking about is what information is going to be on the test. That is how students all over the United States are feeling every day leading up till testing season. Students every year are increasingly becoming more stress out. Every year there is more empha sis put on standardized tests. There are more effective ways to monitor student’s progress. Throughout the years there
Monday, May 18, 2020
Death By Edgar Allan Poe - 975 Words
Death is an inevitable event that will occur in a life. When, how, and where are the beginnings of questions posed about the topic, and the fear of not knowing this leads it to be a taboo subject in many discussions. Edgar Allan Poe defied this sense of taboo and wrote many works centering on the topic of death. It is Edgar Allan Poe’s discussion of death in his works that reveals the innate human perversion of the discussion of death. The reason for his discussion of death may find roots in his personal life. Poe was born into a traveling family in 1809 and had two other siblings. His parents tragically lost their lives three years later and he had to live with a foster family, separated from his two siblings, who went to live with other families. In the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allan, Poe worked for his foster parents until 1926, when he decided to attend the University of Virginia at Richmond. His troubles began here because he lived in poverty due to inadequate education funds from his foster parents, and eventually returned home to begin his writing career. To worsen his state of being, Poe found his fiancà ©e was seeing another man, and had lost interest in him. Disheveled by events, Poe set out to become a great poet, but not before he would be riddled with more grief. Shortly after leaving the Allan home, Poe received word Mrs. Allan, the closest thing he had to a mother, had died. He published yet another book of poetry after her death, but after a few months he learnedShow MoreRelatedThe Death Of Edgar Allan Poe1490 Words  | 6 PagesThis essay is about Edgar Allan Poe and how is often disturbing stories and poems were a direct reflection of the chaotic and sad filled life. Poe had many people in his life die around him and this was the reason for his fascination and some say obsession with â€Å"death.†Of course, Poe is most famous for writing many stories and mysteries that centered on murder, suicide, and overall macabre themes. Man y people throughout time have been astonished by his many writings calling them â€Å"stories writtenRead MoreThe Death Of Edgar Allan Poe877 Words  | 4 PagesNevermore The boundaries which divide Life from Death are at best shadowy and vague. Who shall say where the one ends, and where the other begins? ~Edgar Allan Poe Throughout the history of our nation, few events have captivated the attention of its people quite like the death of literary legend, Edgar Allan Poe. His death contains a certain element of mystery and macabre that would seem most befitting of one of his own stories. But while people to this day still clamor to understand how the belovedRead MoreThe Death Of The Red Death By Edgar Allan Poe1351 Words  | 6 PagesDeath is inescapable; status does not give someone the opportunity to escape death. Prospero and his friends thought that since they hid in a castle, they wouldn’t have to face death, but that wasn’t the case. In â€Å"Masque of the Red Death,†Edgar Allan Poe establishes the struggle of power through the conflict between Prince Prospero and the narrator, death himself, to illustrate that death befalls all. Prince Prospero spends most of his time hiding in his castle, trying to escape death. Most ofRead MoreThe Death Of The Red Death By Edgar Allan Poe1633 Words  | 7 Pages Prince Prospero in Masque of the Red Death written by Edgar Allan Poe is a Prince of his kingdom who escapes and eludes the Red Death sweeping throughout his kingdom killing all it comes into contact with. Prospero s fight or flight reaction, a built in mechanism inside all humans and his reaction to fear of his own death ultimately lead to his downfall and instead of keeping him alive prove unable to beat the elutable and all mighty red death. Picture a scenario where you are put to the testRead MoreA Pattern Of Death And Rebellion By Edgar Allan Poe1242 Words  | 5 Pagesintellectually disabled. Throughout the course of Edgar Allan Poe’s life, we have a great illustration of how such aspects of life mentioned above can have an effect on an individual along with those involved. Within the life of Poe, a pattern of death and rebellion is compared in his literary works that concludes the reasoning behind his progressive mental state caused by loss rather than simply giving a psychological illness the blame. As a result from the death of Poe’s mother caused by tuberculosis (calledRead MoreDeath in Masque of the Red Death by Edgar Allan Poe984 Words  | 4 PagesMasque of the Red Death by Edgar Allan Poe In the short story â€Å"Masque of the Red Death†By: Edgar Allen Poe he delivers the theme of age old inevitability of death and futility of trying to escape death, the setting of his story is based during a time when the bubonic â€Å"black†plague took over Europe. The black plague was a bacterium that survived in rats and rodents, human beings became infected when they got bitten by the fleas that lived on these rodents and rats; you knew you had gottenRead MoreThe Captivating Life and Death of Edgar Allan Poe1279 Words  | 6 Pages Edgar Allan Poe, an often misinterpreted literary mastermind known predominantly by his extraordinary tales of horror, the supernatural, forbidden love, madness, and mystery, is more than meets the eye. Though his genres of expertise may indicate otherwise, Poe was a very social person, having been raised as a gentleman, and he had more hands on military experience than any other major American author in history. As a writer, Poe gained a great deal of his inspiration from his surroundings. HisRead MoreEssay on Edgar Allan Poe- Theme of Death1061 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿English 9 Honors- Period 7 Edgar Allan Poe Picture this. The father of modern crime and detective stories, known as Edgar Allan Poe, is sitting down about to write a beautiful piece of writing and BAM! He whisks away into a story of love, death, and just plain out horror; either characters are losing someone near and dear to their hearts or they are plotting to kill. Edgar Allan Poe, at a very young age, lost both of his parents, and later on in life, lost his wife to tuberculosis, so in one wayRead MoreThe Masque Of The Red Death By Edgar Allan Poe1769 Words  | 8 Pagesused, most people think of it as an action performed in solitude. It brings to mind an empty space in which one person resides, far from all others. However, isolation does not always occur in a singular sense. In â€Å"The Masque of the Red Death†by Edgar Allan Poe, isolation is used by a large population as a means of safety. In â€Å"The Thing Around Your Neck†by Chimananda Ngozi Adichie, isolation occurs among crowds of people and even in the company of someone close to one’s heart. In both aspects,Read MoreSymbolism Of The Red Death By Edgar Allan Poe1500 Words  | 6 PagesIn â€Å"Mask of the Red Death†, Edgar Allan Poe uses setting and symbolism to deliver the theme that no one escapes death. The story follows the naà ¯ve and pompous Prince Prospero, and his feeble attempt to escape dying from the Black Plague. As the plague spread through his kingdom, the prince called one thousand of his closest friends to reside within the safety of the castle in order to seclude themselves from the horror and death going on outside. During the last months of their seclusion, the prince
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Essay on Implications of Modernist Thought in Tender Is...
Implications of Modernist Thought in Tender Is the Night The implications of modernist thought in F. Scott Fitzgeralds Tender Is the Night, become apparent when conceptualizing crime and punishment. Besides the murder of the Negro in the Parisian hotel, the idea of crime is plastic; adultery, deceit, moral depravity barely have consequences. Actions committed with good intentions often end in despair, such as the marriage of Dick and Nicole Diver. Similarly, seduction and dissimulation are not often met with ensuing punishment. Actions, whether they be morally right or wrong, tend to remain in a staid state without the traditional response. The modernists place characters in various moments and situations that do not†¦show more content†¦As she embraces Tommy in the hotel, the reader receives the sense that her lover could essentially be anyone. He loses all face and name and becomes another pawn, another performer within the moment. Dicks reaction to Nicoles adultery is completely devoid of accusation or punishment. His response to her confession is stoic and vacant. Her news could easily be about something entirely innocuous because his response elicits no inkling of condemnation or punishment. Å’I went dancing last night - with Tommy Barban. We went - He winced, interrupting her. Å’Dont tell me about it. It doesnt matter what you do, only I dont want to know anything definitely (299). Although he winces at her story, he still insists on hearing nothing about the circumstances and claims to be emotionally detached from the crime. Rosemary too, although she professes to her mother to be in love with Dick Diver, maintains a grave detachment from the actual ramifications of her actions. She kisses a married man, attempts to seduce him on numerous occasions and finally consecrates the affair without once feeling the self-castigation that she should bear considering her immoral behavior. Punishmen t, either of oneself or of another, does not have a place in Fitzgeralds novel. Infidelity is met with indifference; consequence ofShow MoreRelatedOrganisational Theory230255 Words  | 922 Pagesorganizing and reflecting on both formal and informal structures, and in this respect you will find this book timely, interesting and valuable. Peter Holdt Christensen, Associate Professor, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark McAuley et al.’s book is thought-provoking, witty and highly relevant for understanding contemporary organizational dilemmas. The book engages in an imaginative way with a wealth of organizational concepts and theories as well as provides insightful examples from the practical worldRead MoreJay Gatsby s American Dream2866 Words  | 12 Pageshas become one of the most criticized, cited, and analytical pieces of fiction in American literature history. It is a great representation of an era known as the Jazz Age when anything and everything was possible, o r at least that is what people thought. Fitzgerald provides the reader with an insight of the internal mindsets of the characters, which justifies their actions and behaviors instead of simply just describing their historical, social, and economic conditions. The overall cause for theRead Moreshakespeare influences16068 Words  | 65 Pagespeople see how doing evil things may bring them what they want, but will never bring them happiness. Gary Sykes (1996) in, Hamlet s habit of Emancipation states that Shakespeare in the play Hamlet reveals his intellectual thought process involving death, sufferings, fears, and honor. The soliloquies displays motivations and menntal state of Hamlet. Author here, states that actually Hamlet soliloquies display his psyche. And there are a number of soliloquies in this play and
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Comparing the Philosophies of Brave New World and Anthem...
The Philosophies Brave New World and Anthem The books Brave New World by Aldus Huxley and Anthem by Ayn Rand are both valuable twentieth-century contributions to literature. Both books explore the presence of natural law in man and propose a warning for what could happen when mans sense of right and wrong is taken from him. In this essay, I hope to show how these seemingly unrelated novels both expound upon a single, very profound, idea. Before launching into the implications of these two novels, I believe a summary of the general human experience in each of the two societies is necessary. Brave New World illustrates a society in which science has been elevated to a god-like position. In this novel, human†¦show more content†¦Soma is the drug of choice and is readily available. Solidarity services are required for each citizen to help keep conditioning in tact. With all the scientific preservation of the body, it reaches sixty in near perfect condition, but then rapidly deteriorates. In contrast, Anthem is a society that has almost completely rejected science. It too is set in a futuristic time, but one that has regressed significantly. Believing science was evil, the controllers banished it and when the novel begins the candle is still a new invention. In this nation, breeding takes place once a year and children conceived are raised in group homes with codes instead of names. Students enter school and are discouraged from learning too much or being too inquisitive. Citizens in Anthem are forbidden to speak personal pronouns and to do so is a crime punishable by death. At fifteen, all students are assigned randomly to a job where they will work until they turn forty. At forty years old, the controllers send them to live in the Home of the Useless. After a full day of work, citizens all attend a social council meeting and then social recreation. Citizens are forbidden to be alone and communication with the opposite sex is strictly forbidden. Citizens have no drug to numb themselves, though they do not revolt or even express dissatisfaction, their despair is evident in the hopeless lives they lead. Although, these books on the surface seem
Physics LabShc of Water Free Essays
The result I will get as the SSH of water will not be exactly the same as the literature value, but ill be a very close figure to the literature value of the SSH of water as there will be some limitations to our experiment. The experimental result I acquired was 4119. 54 Jag-1 K-1, lower than I expected, while the literature value is 4200 Jag-K-1 this shows that the experiment was carried out correctly, but not perfectly. We will write a custom essay sample on Physics LabShc of Water or any similar topic only for you Order Now There is a 2% error in my result when compared to the literature value. The errors can be due to the fact that the experiment wasn’t orchestrated under professional conditions in a top-notch lab. Thus, one can without a doubt conclude by saying that the experiment faced mom errors while it was being conducted, but still arrived at the area of the expected result. Evaluation The experiment was conducted well, despite the random and systematic errors that I came across. The main errors I identified were the following: When transferring the iron block into the calorimeter some heat was lost to the surroundings as the block was out in the open. The simple calorimeter we used was made from a copper can, and when the water and iron block were boiling the can was nearby, and since it’s a metal and metals are conductors of heat it possibly has gained heat from the Bunsen burner. Therefore, the temperature difference of the mixture, as a result, could have been made smaller by reason of heat being gained by the calorimeter. The cover of the calorimeter wasn’t fully closed, leaving the water inside exposed and vulnerable to evaporation, which could lead to the loss of mass of the water and also cause the water to lose or gain heat from the surroundings, which could have been the reason I got results lower than what I expected, even though it would result in a very minute difference Suggestions for Improvements Weakness – Improvement Calorimeter gaining heat from the Bunsen burner close by because of the material it’s made from Introduce a calorimeter that is made from a substance that doesn’t let outside intrusions affect it. The cover of the calorimeter not fully closing Use a lid that fits the copper can so that the water inside of it isn’t exposed to outside air Heat lost to surroundings when transferring ten test material (metal Deadlock) Into ten calorimeter Put forward a scheme whereby less heat is lost to the surroundings or use a metal that has some characterist ics of an insulator as the test material (metal block) How to cite Physics LabShc of Water, Papers
Physics LabShc of Water Free Essays
The result I will get as the SSH of water will not be exactly the same as the literature value, but ill be a very close figure to the literature value of the SSH of water as there will be some limitations to our experiment. The experimental result I acquired was 4119. 54 Jag-1 K-1, lower than I expected, while the literature value is 4200 Jag-K-1 this shows that the experiment was carried out correctly, but not perfectly. We will write a custom essay sample on Physics LabShc of Water or any similar topic only for you Order Now There is a 2% error in my result when compared to the literature value. The errors can be due to the fact that the experiment wasn’t orchestrated under professional conditions in a top-notch lab. Thus, one can without a doubt conclude by saying that the experiment faced mom errors while it was being conducted, but still arrived at the area of the expected result. Evaluation The experiment was conducted well, despite the random and systematic errors that I came across. The main errors I identified were the following: When transferring the iron block into the calorimeter some heat was lost to the surroundings as the block was out in the open. The simple calorimeter we used was made from a copper can, and when the water and iron block were boiling the can was nearby, and since it’s a metal and metals are conductors of heat it possibly has gained heat from the Bunsen burner. Therefore, the temperature difference of the mixture, as a result, could have been made smaller by reason of heat being gained by the calorimeter. The cover of the calorimeter wasn’t fully closed, leaving the water inside exposed and vulnerable to evaporation, which could lead to the loss of mass of the water and also cause the water to lose or gain heat from the surroundings, which could have been the reason I got results lower than what I expected, even though it would result in a very minute difference Suggestions for Improvements Weakness – Improvement Calorimeter gaining heat from the Bunsen burner close by because of the material it’s made from Introduce a calorimeter that is made from a substance that doesn’t let outside intrusions affect it. The cover of the calorimeter not fully closing Use a lid that fits the copper can so that the water inside of it isn’t exposed to outside air Heat lost to surroundings when transferring ten test material (metal Deadlock) Into ten calorimeter Put forward a scheme whereby less heat is lost to the surroundings or use a metal that has some characterist ics of an insulator as the test material (metal block) How to cite Physics LabShc of Water, Papers
Cost Accounting and Managerial Accounting
Question: Discuss about the Cost Accounting and Managerial Accounting. Answer: Introduction In this report, the discussion is focused on the subject area of cost accounting. During the report, mainly the answers of four different questions are given. The first question discusses about the use of managerial accounting information in strategic decision-making. The second and third questions focus on the different types of cost allocation and preparation of budget. In the fourth question, different approaches of performance evaluation and control are discussed. Critical evaluation of the use of managerial accounting information for the strategic decision-making Managerial accounting information is very much useful in the strategic decision-making in different types of organization. The managerial accounting information provides the knowledge regarding the cost structure of the organization (Collier 2015). This information helps the higher authority to understand whether the organization is operating cost effectively or it has exceeded the budget. On the other side, in case of private or public limited companies, the management of the organization can take the decision regarding the business diversification or merger and acquisition (Butler and Ghosh 2015). At the same time, in case of partnership or private and public limited companies, the managerial accounting information helps in taking the pricing decision and future marketing strategies. Selection and application of different types of cost allocation There are different types of cost allocation systems and those are absorption costing allocation system, variable costing allocation system and activity-based cost allocation system. Absorption costing allocation is such a technique of cost allocation in which the costs are allocated internally by using the financial accounting techniques (Fanelli et al. 2015). In this type of cost allocation technique, the costs allocation is not disclosed publically. Variable cost allocation system is more or less similar to the absorption cost allocation system. However, main difference between these two allocation systems is that in case of variable cost allocation system, the fixed manufacturing costs are not allocated (Kaplan and Atkinson 2015). On the other side, the activity based cost allocation system, allocates the costs based on each activity takes place during the business operations. Role of absorption cost allocation system Role of variable cost allocation system Role of activity based cost allocation system The absorption cost allocation system helps the management in taking the internal overall costing strategies. The variable cost allocation system helps the management in identifying the variable costs in the organization and taking the strategies for controlling such costs. Activity based cost allocation system helps in identifying the costs of each activity separately. With the help of this, the management can identify in which area the company is incurring more costs and can taken necessary strategy for controlling the costs. Design and preparation of budgets and feedback analysis Budget can be of different types like, cash budget, sales budget, production budget and many more. However, the design and preparation style of different budget are different (Strumickas and Valanciene 2015). Here, the design and preparation of cash budget are shown below: There is a company namely ABC Ltd, which needs to prepare cash budget for first three months of 2017. The cash budget is shown below: Particulars January 2017 (in $) February 2017 (in $) March 2017 (in $) Opening cash balance 1000 3000 5900 Cash received: Cash received from sales 7000 8000 10000 Total cash received 8000 11000 15900 Cash payments: Payment of wages and salaries (2000) (2000) (2000) Tax payment (700) Payment of miscellaneous expenses (3000) (3100) (3700) Total cash payments (5000) (5100) (6400) Closing cash balance 3000 5900 9500 In the above table it can be seen that in the third month, the cash payment of the company increased due to the payment of tax and increase in the miscellaneous expenses. However, the closing balances are expected to be increased. From the above table, the management can take the decision of controlling the cash payment in the third month. This will help the company to increase the closing cash balance more at the end of third month. Discussion on various approaches of performance evaluation and control There are various approaches of performance evaluation and control those are applied in different types of business organizations. In case of private and public limited companies, presently, the approach of balance scorecard is used (Jerraya and Bacivarov 2016). In this approach, the management of the companies evaluates and controls the performance on the basis of four perspectives and those are customers, financial, internal business and learning and growth perspectives. In case of the partnership and sole proprietary businesses, the performance evaluation and control are generally done by checklists method (Brosig et al. 2015). This is one of the simplest methods of performance evaluation and control. Under this method, few questions are asked to the employees and if most of the answers become negative, then the organization arranges for training sessions. There are few indicators of performance and those are as under: Quantitative indicators turnaround times, annual sales, yearly expenditure, number of journal entries and many more Directional indicators - This is a technique, in which the performance is indicated by comparing the current years sales with the last years sales Conclusion During this report, it has been identified that managerial accounting information is very much useful in decision-making purposes. It has also identified that there are different techniques of cost allocations and approaches of performance evaluation and control those are applied by the different types of business organizations. Evaluation of the regression models In the evaluation of the two regression models that are net-up costs and number of set-ups and set-up costs and Number of set-ups hours, it can be identified that the in case of second regression model, the slope is higher than the first one. In case of first one, the coefficient of X variable is 0.001103 and on the other side, in case of the second variable, the coefficient of X variable is 0.015168. This indicates that the number of set-ups hours has more influence on the set-ups costs than the number of set-ups. Therefore, the organization that is Dilbert Toys must use the second regression model in case of decision making. Reference List Brosig, F., Meier, P., Becker, S., Koziolek, A., Koziolek, H. and Kounev, S., 2015. Quantitative evaluation of model-driven performance analysis and simulation of component-based architectures.Software Engineering, IEEE Transactions on,41(2), pp.157-175. Butler, S.A. and Ghosh, D., 2015. Individual differences in managerial accounting judgments and decision making.The British Accounting Review,47(1), pp.33-45. Collier, P.M., 2015.Accounting for managers: Interpreting accounting information for decision making. John Wiley Sons. Fanelli, A., Leniowski, D., Monaco, G. and Sankowski, P., 2015. The ring design game with fair cost allocation.Theoretical Computer Science,562, pp.90-100. Jerraya, A. and Bacivarov, I., 2016. Performance Evaluation Methods for Multiprocessor System-on-Chip Designs.Electronic Design Automation for IC System Design, Verification, and Testing, p.85. Kaplan, R.S. and Atkinson, A.A., 2015.Advanced management accounting. PHI Learning. Strumickas, M. and Valanciene, L., 2015. Research of management accounting changes in Lithuanian business organizations.Engineering Economics,63(4).
Friday, May 1, 2020
Marxs Impact on Social Stratification Theories free essay sample
A look at various social stratification theories with focus on Karl Marxs philosophies This paper will examine Karl Marxs class stratification; Max Webers status and political stratifications; Gerhard Lenskis class systems stratification; and, Edna Bonacichs split labor market theory. Criticisms of power-conflict stratification will be discussed and examples will be provided. The author will then focus on Karl Marxs theories of class startification. From the paper: `People are unequal in their access to wealth, power, and prestige. In all societies, people receive different shares of what is valued and limited. This unequal distribution of the societys resources creates a system of stratification. People are grouped based on how much of the societys rewards they receive, and these groups, or strata, are arranged in a rank order, or hierarchy. Those at the top receive the most of what there is to get and those at the bottom the least. We will write a custom essay sample on Marxs Impact on Social Stratification Theories or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page According to Leicht (2000), societies may include any number of strata, but in all cases, this system of inequality is structured. This means that stratification is not random, with groups and individuals occupying different positions by chance; rather, social institutions such as government, the economy, education, and religion operate to assure the position of various groups in the hierarchy. In addition, the system of stratification in all societies is legitimized by an ideology that justifies the resulting inequality. The pattern of stratification in a society is therefore stable for many generations.`
Sunday, March 22, 2020
George Washingtons Advice to the American People free essay sample
George Washington’s farewell letter, it is almost impossible for me to choose his most important piece of advice. His points seem almost haunting while reading them with our country in its present condition. Washington had such foresight and wisdom. The sad reality is that we as a country have so strayed from his advice. He made multiple points that I think are vastly important. Washington warned against political parties. He pointed out that they only cause disagreements and disunity among the people. Instead of Americans being one unified people, we have become defined by our political party. Republicans and democrats are in constant struggle over views and agendas. Washington warned us to flee from these and hold fast to unity. Washington also emphasized the importance of religion and morality. He held tightly to the belief that a person’s spiritual life had effects on one’s decisions in everyday life. We will write a custom essay sample on George Washingtons Advice to the American People or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page With morality as the heart of an issue, people are more likely to treat each other fairly and be unified in spirit. One of the most outstanding pieces of advice from our first president sends chills down my spine. Washington encouraged sparing use of credit. He did not believe we as a nation should be in debt to anyone, which is also Biblical. He warned us to take heed of falling into debt. This is great advice that has so obviously been forgotten it is maddening. Our country is currently 16 trillion dollars in debt. We spend more than we take in, and we are putting our future in the hands of government of foreign lands. This reality speaks wholeheartedly to Washington’s next piece of advice. The last two pieces of advice I believe go hand in hand. Washington spelled out plainly that we did not want to be overly involved with other nations; in fact, he discouraged permanent alliances with any foreign nation. By doing so, we put our national security at possible risk. In regards to national security, Washington believed that we should have a strong military force. Being in the military, Washington understood to need for men purposed to fight for our freedom. This is yet another issue we face today with our current president wishing to downsize our military. I truly believe if we will begin to follow Washington’s advice, at least in part, we can improve the future of our country. Lastly, I believe Washington encouraged unity in almost every point he made. He was passionate for our country, for our freedom, for our future. In his farewell address he stated that at the mere thought of the honor and privilege of being an American, the spirit of patriotism should unite us all to action. The pride of being an American should link us like no other nation before or since.
Thursday, March 5, 2020
What You Need to Know About Susan B. Anthony
What You Need to Know About Susan B. Anthony Working closely with Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony was a primary organizer, speaker, and writer for the 19th century womens rights movement in the United States, especially the first phases of the long struggle for womens vote, the womens suffrage movement or woman suffrage movement. Susan B. Anthony Biography To learn more about the life of Susan B. Anthony, consult the biography of Anthony on this site: Susan B. Anthony Fun Facts 13 Surprising Facts About Susan B. Anthony Susan B. Anthony Pictures In this gallery are pictures of Susan B. Anthony and several related to her life. Susan B. Anthony Pictures Susan B. Anthonys Contributions to History Susan B. Anthonys work with the womens suffrage movement is an integral part of that movements history, as she and Stanton were central to that work. General accounts of the suffrage movement for the last half of the 19th century and first few years of the 20th century thus are excellent resources about Susan B. Anthonys contributions to history: The Long Road to Suffrage - a description of the woman suffrage movement from Seneca Falls to 1920 Womens Suffrage Events - a timeline of events in the history of the womens suffrage movement in America, starting with Susan B. Anthonys stand in 1837 for equal pay for women teachers. One particular incident which featured Susan B. Anthony was her attempt to vote and subsequent trial for that offense. The trial is considered a landmark in American womens history: United States v. Susan B. Anthony National Woman Suffrage Association: Susan B. Anthony (with Elizabeth Cady Stanton) headed up this wing of the split womens suffrage movement, 1869 - 1890. Susan B. Anthony Quotes This collection of Susan B. Anthony quotes will give a flavor of her speeches and writings: Susan B. Anthony Quotes About Susan B. Anthony - Contemporary Accounts Contemporary sources writings from the time someone was alive may not include some of the analysis which historians later developed about particular individuals, but they do provide us with personal details about a persons life, and a perspective on how that individual was perceived while she was alive. This site includes several contemporary sources about Susan B. Anthony: In these excerpts from The History of Woman Suffrage Volume 1, Elizabeth Cady Stanton describes Susan B. Anthonys entrance into the new movement for womens rights, the beginning of a lifelong friendship between the two women:Reminiscences by Elizabeth Cady StantonIn Reminiscences of Famous Women, Harriet Townsend described her own memory of Susan B. Anthony:Susan B. Anthony by Harriet A. TownsendWhen Susan B. Anthony died in 1906, she was well-known for her work in the womens suffrage movement. This contemporary obituary says a lot about how she was known and how the media and general public thought of her at the time of her death:Susan B. Anthony Obituary - 1906 Susan B. Anthony in Context To understand Susan B. Anthonys contribution to the womens suffrage movement, these additional resources may be helpful: Timelines: Womens Suffrage Events - a timeline of events in the history of the womens suffrage movement in America, starting with Susan B. Anthonys stand in 1837 for equal pay for women teachers. American Woman Suffrage Timeline - Winning the Vote - a timeline of the state-by-state legal changes on the long road to the vote for American womenOverviews: The Long Road to Suffrage - a description of the woman suffrage movement from Seneca Falls to 1920Key Events in the Womens Suffrage Movement Seneca Falls Womens Rights Convention - 1848 - Though Susan B. Anthony did not attend this event, it was key in initiating the active movement for the vote that Anthony participated in for the rest of her life. Womens Rights and the Fourteenth Amendment: this amendment to the constitution split the womens suffrage movement, and later served as a basis for winning womens rights Suffrage Turning Points 1913 - 1917: the March on Washington in 1913 through the reintroduction of the Susan B. Anthony am endment August 26, 1920 - after Susan B. Anthonys death, the womens suffrage amendment to the U.S. Constitution finally was ratified, including women as full voting citizens Related Individuals Elizabeth Cady Stanton - Stanton and Anthony were friends and cooperated closely in their work in the womens suffrage movement. Womens Suffrage Biographies - find biographies and other resources of other key activists in the womens suffrage movementMore articles and other resources about the womens suffrage movement: Womens Suffrage - what you need to know about the womens suffrage movement Test Your Knowledge Check out how much you know about the womens suffrage movement with this online quiz: Womens Suffrage Quiz Susan B. Anthony - in Print, in Films The following list includes books by Susan B. Anthony (some with recent analysis and commentary by editors), books about Susan B. Anthony, and books for children and young adults about Susan B. Anthony: Susan B. Anthony Books In 1999, a documentary on Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton and their suffrage work premiered. Not for Ourselves Alone
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
The role of nursing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The role of nursing - Essay Example Significant studies in the area have suggested that the effect of reduced nurse staff on patient outcomes is an inverse relationship between the two whereas positive outcomes result when there is adequate nurse staffing. Therefore, the effect of nurse staffing on patient outcomes has been one of the most essential areas of nursing research and this qualitative research makes a profound analysis of the published literature on the topic in order to determine the various aspects of nurse staffing in relation with patient outcomes. The research question of this nursing research proposal proposes to analyze the various aspects of nurse staffing in relation with patient outcomes and the research question is: What is the effect of nurse staffing on patient outcomes and how can favorable staffing ensure better patient outcomes The research question analyzed in this paper incorporates various important secondary questions such as 1) What are the various aspects of patient outcomes affected by nurse sta... ) What are the determinants of favorable staffing, and 4) What is difference in the results of adequate staffing and that of the reduced nurse staffing. The Purpose or Aim of the Research The research purpose usually reflects the type of study conducted and the main purpose of this qualitative research on the effect of nurse staffing on patient outcomes is to determine the relationship between nurse staffing and patient outcomes. The most important aim of this study is to help the nurses improve their practice by making their aware of the positive relationship between nurse staffing and patient outcomes. Examining the effect of various nurse staffing levels on the patient impact can highly determine the aspects of good practices of health care and in turn produce positive results in the organizational outcomes of health care. Therefore, the purpose of the research proposed in this paper is to contribute to the practice of nursing, health care, and patient outcomes. Keywords to search for The keywords related to this study include: nurse staffing, patient outcomes, reduced nurse staffing, adequate nurse staffing, etc, Scope of the Study (Who is written for) The scope of the proposed study, i.e. the effect of nurse staffing on patient outcomes, covers various aspects of the practice of nursing, health care industry, and patient outcomes. Therefore, this proposed study is intended for the various people engaged in the practice of nursing, health care, and the health industry and this will help in improving the quality of nurse staffing in order to help better patient outcomes. Population of interest The population of interest in this research includes nurses belonging to different levels of nurse staffing and the patients in the related areas of nursing. It will also
Monday, February 3, 2020
Comparison Between Structure and Function of Human and Animal Eyes Assignment
Comparison Between Structure and Function of Human and Animal Eyes - Assignment Example This essay stresses that the human eye is adapted to sense different colors and lights of various intensities and adjust according to brightness. Color and light vision involves the simultaneous interaction between the two eyes and brain. When light from the object hits the eye, it is focused by the cornea and lens elements that form transform it to an inverted image. The image successfully transverses the aqueous humor, crystalline lens, gelatinous vitreous body, and vascular ad neuronal layers before it is focused on the surface of the retina. Rod and cone cells found in the retina detect the image, translate the light into a series of electrical signals, and transmit the signals to the brain. This report makes a conclusion that vision is insidious in the animal kingdom since; it is the sensory organ that is relied upon in finding reproductive mates, suitable food, shelter, and escaping from predators and danger. The study of human and animal’s eyes show wild disparities in their mode of vision and anatomical features. Human vision is presented as sometimes ineffective as in detecting infrared and ultraviolet lights, or overly sophisticated than that of felines. This study is important to help researchers to find cure for human eye diseases and explain the adaptation of animals to their environment. The visual perception of living creatures is dependent on how they process light using their photoreceptors.
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Codes of Conduct in the Workplace
Codes of Conduct in the Workplace TOPIC: CODE OF CONDUCT GROUP MEMBERS NAMES: PATRICIA MELANET KONAYE NDUNAT JASE NAUDET CUMANI NAKOT ABONGILE MKEFAT THEOPHILLUS MGWADLEKAT DEVON MARTINT A code of conduct is a set of guidelines clarifying the responsibilities of an individual, a group of people or organization. Other concepts that are similar to code of conduct are religious laws, moral codes and ethical. Code of conduct is also known as ethics, values, standards or rules of behavior that monitor the decisions or measures of an organization. It contributes to the welfare of an organization and it makes sure that it compliments each and every individual of that organization. A code of conduct has to be build or formulated under different departments and legislations (laws) depending on the goal or which circumstance the code conduct has to be drawn under. It has to be approved by all members of the group. It must be signed by the board and be fair to all the group members. It serves as an oath on every state of legislation. Code of conduct must have certain procedures that the members need to follow. It includes principles that are designed to help professionals to conduct business with honesty and integrity. A code of conduct document may have a summary of a mission and values of a business or organization, and how the members should approach unethical incidents in the working environment. The code of conduct assists the individual to perform professionally. It acts as a barrier to make it point that members don’t cross certain points in an organization. It helps individual to contribute effectively to the tasks given. Code of conduct have an advantage in it especial when it comes to conflict. This means having a set of rules that individuals work according fewer conflicts involve. Those who violate or fail to comply with the code of conduct will be subject to disciplinary measures that might include dismissal if it is agreed upon. A code is also a tool to encourage discussions of ethics and to improve how employees/members deal with the ethical dilemmas, prejudices and gray areas that are encountered in everyday work. A code is meant to complement relevant standards, policies and rules, not to substitute for them. Codes of conduct offer an invaluable opportunity for responsible organizations to create a positive public identity for themselves which can lead to a more supportive political and regulatory environment and an increased level of public confidence andtrust among important constituencies and stakeholders. (Principles of Stakeholder Management, The Clarkson Centre for Business Ethics, 1999, p. 12.) Codes of conduct have been around for quite some time. The purpose of the code of conduct is to make a point that the rules and standards of a business or organisation are met. They serve as a base to carry common obligations. Even, though people confused them with law rules. They capture vision for excellence for individuals and organizations. Codes are not meant for professional environment only; you can find them at church, political parties, schools, communities, organizations and businesses. There are there to emphasis dedication to employees and individuals to make them responsible not to create trouble or blame one another about certain things in a group or team. Codes of conduct are designed different their can have a negative and positive influence towards the employees or members. A former US Supreme Court Justice, Earl Warren wrote â€Å"law float on a sea of ethics†. In my own understanding this quote means everything that concerns the law is dealt with a according to the rules or ethics. A good social and cultural consideration helps with implementing code of conduct. Code of conduct determines economic growth and development of a certain business or organization. The code of conduct is approved by Island Council that it provides guidance to members on what standards they must or expected to conduct them according. Therefore members are required to comply with the code of conduct. According to the Pitcairn Island code of conduct it’s a priority for members to attend the meetings. If they don’t attend justification of being absent is required. Members must come prepared to the meeting and arrive in time. Nolan principle emphasis that the members must comply according to the following aspects: selflessness, integrity, objectives, accountability, openness, honesty and leadership. If conflict arises as a result of clashes in one of the mentioned principles public is more favoured (when experiencing conflict between personal and public integrity, after a decision is made public integrity is more favoured). (Prime Minister John Mayor.20 October 2011.Committee on Standards in Public Life).[Online] mittee_on_Standards_in_Public .[20 Mach 2014]). Some people don’t agree with the code of conduct so that means it has disadvantages as well. Opponents conserve that codes of conduct are often only pleasant, predictable and worthless words without any obligation. However, if the code of conduct has been established jointly by every person in the business or organization, and it is constantly reviewed due to changes and new experiences it will have a great value. Opponents often see code of conduct simply as a resourceful marketing and public relation tool. Thought, an existed code of conduct demonstrates its value in crisis circumstances rather than in trouble free times. Employees or members will be the ones who will face painfully experience as the result of an unnoticed written code of conduct. Critics doubt that management really expects employees or members to obey to the ethical values of its code of conduct, if it would mean losing business or reducing profits. Upholding high ethical standards is important to stay in a business and maintaining long term profitability. Therefore management and the owners of the business expect employees to always act according to ethical principles. It has been recommended that a code of conduct is not in the interest business or organization. The more the business or organization focuses to a code of conduct the greater the advantage of members or employees to cheat. An industry that believes in ethical behavior doesn’t take time in punishing the person who broke the rule. Occasionally it is felt that a code of conduct is reassuring unrealistic expectations, that it is self-righteous talk and spiritual beliefs about what is possible in a hard, realistic business world. One main crisis with a code of conduct is that it needs to take subjective standards and make them objective. Indeed this is their main point to take subjective standards and make them a common sequence of standards. A disadvantage of a code of conduct it needs to be forced (consequences) in order for people to obey it. Code of conduct is vague, what it says is not what it means because top managers interpret it according to managers needs. A code of conduct is a company’s professional belief of ethics morals, values and appropriate behavior for its operation, imposed by the leaders. In order for a code of conduct to work in an organization or business it must be flexible to employees. Managers must allow employees to participate in formulating a code of conduct. Code of conduct it doesn’t consist of positive ethical rules and it doesn’t give employees freedom of choice. I think it’s a good idea to revisit the code of conduct now and then to see if it’s still on point with what’s going on in the business or organization. Bibliography -04-08 [17 March 2014] Ethics codes codes of conduct as tools for Promoting an Ethical Profession Public Service: Comparative Success Lesson. 2005. Prem, World Bank, Washington DC.1 – 76. Driscoll, Dawn-Marie and W. Michael Hoffman, Ethics Matters: How to Implement Values-Driven Management, 2000, p. 77. Principles of Stakeholder Management, The Clarkson Centre for Business Ethics, 1999, p. 12. Louise Balle [20 March 2014] [19 March 2014] [18 March 2014] (2008) Code of conduct the way we do business. [Online] Available from http: // [Accessed: 18 March 2014]. Island Council. 9 November 2011. Code of Conduct. 1 – 6. Article On Moodle: CRITICISMS OF A CODE OF CONDUCT/ETHICS (UNKNOWN) CODE OF CONDUCT In our group we understand a code of conduct as a set of conventional principles and expectations that are considered binding on any person who is a member of a particular group. Code of conduct is rules and regulations that guide the group to a common goal and delegating the responsibilities to individuals for proper and effective running of the task given. It’s an agreement on rules of behavior by the group. In our group we expect all the group members to obey, follow and comply to the code of conduct, if not there will be consequences faced. Statement of Core Values Build trust and Credibility – the success of the group depends on the trust that we earn from each other as a group members. Commitment is important when working in groups, showing integrity, honesty and trustworthy. Respect for the individual – respect is very important when working with people. Every individual in a group deserve to be treated with respect and dignity. If we treat each other with respect there will be fewer conflicts. Intercultural Communication – everyone should be treated equally, so that they can feel comfortable to express their feelings and views. Understanding other people’s culture makes communication easy between one another. Conflicts of Interest – when conflict arise the group leader mustn’t take sides because the conflict involves his/her friend. The conflict must be resolved in a fair manner to both parties. Participation – all group members are required to participate in a group task and take responsibility by doing their work in time. Sub-Groups – during group discussion there must be no sub-groups within the groups. This can cause conflict and it’s so disrespectful to do that. Communication – professional way of communicating is very important it gives others a chance to voices their thoughts. When talking all at the same time nothing will be resolved or conflict will arise. Time Management – everyone is expected to arrive in time during meetings. Members should inform the group in advance if they are going to be absent with a valid reason. Plagiarism – copying of other peoples work is not encourage as we all know that plagiarism is a big offence to commit. Every research you do must be reference so that you can be safe. Team Work – working together save time. Makes the tasks very easy and you have an advantage of finishing n time. Cell phones – playing with a cell phone while we are in a meeting is not allowed. This means that you don’t want to be part of the meeting. When receiving a call you can go out quietly and answer your call. Language – since we diverse cultural group, English is an appropriate language to use so we can understanding each other Aggressive behavior – vulgar language, aggressive attitude and violence are not allowed. We need to be respectful to others and talk to each other in a respectful way. Confidentiality – no confidential information may be disclosed without permission of a group. CONSEQUENCES WHEN CODE OF CONDUCT IS BREACHED: Penalties of breaching a code of conduct depend on many factors such as: Who breached the code of conduct? How and when did they breached the code of conduct What were the effects of the breach? Whether the behavior has taken place repeatedly or is a once off thing? Penalties would be as follows: Request the person to change their behavior Issue an informal or formal warning (written or verbal) If the behavior continues in several occasions ask the person to leave the group immediately Last action is to ban the person from coming to the group
Saturday, January 18, 2020
DNA Profiling and Ethics
DNA Profiling and Ethics Reflection Journal Vanshika Khemka 14th October 2012 â€Å"33 autorad off†On 10th September 1984, geneticist Alec Jeffrey’s wrote these three words in his red desk diary. This marked the completion of an experiment, which studied how inherited illnesses pass through families. The experiment failed entirely. (McKie, 2009) However, this led to the most profound discovery: the world’s first DNA fingerprint. Now, the smallest swab of blood or sweat can determine the identity of an individual.We will discuss this process of DNA profiling in this journal. After going into the in-depth analysis of DNA profiling, we will discuss its uses and the ethical and legal issues that swarm the subject. |What is DNA Profiling? | Formally, DNA profiling is the analysis of short, highly specific, tandem-repeated- or hypervariable- genomic sequences, minisatellites known as variable number of tandem repeats (VNTRs), to detect the degree of relatedness to ano ther sequence of oligonucleotides. Segan, 1992) It is a technique employed by forensic scientists to assist in the identification of individuals by their respective DNA profiles, which are encrypted sets of numbers that reflect a person's DNA makeup and can also be used as the person's identifier. |The Process | Deoxyribonucleic Acid (â€Å"DNA†) is a six-foot long molecule found in the nucleus of every cell in the body. With the exception of identical twins, each individual’s DNA is unique.Thus the first step in the profiling process is to obtain a sample of the individual’s DNA, which is usually done using a buccal swab (i. e. from the cheek). We could also use a sample of blood, semen or hair. This sample is then analyzed using different techniques; discussed below. |Techniques of DNA Profiling | |Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP) |It is a technique that exploits variations in homologous DNA sequences. It refers to a difference bet ween samples of homologous DNA molecules that come from differing locations of restriction enzyme sites, and to a related laboratory technique by which these segments can be illustrated. In this process, the DNA is first chemically extracted from the sample. It is then fragmented using restriction enzymes. These enzymes act like scissors and cut the DNA where a specific sequence occurs.By gel electrophoresis, the DNA fragments are placed in a gel through which an electric current is passed. Owing to the negative charge of the DNA, the fragments migrate toward the positively charged pole of the gel. The DNA is then denatured and Southern blotting transfers the DNA fragments to a nylon membrane. A buffer solution is pulled through the gel and membrane and absorbed in paper towels. Hybridization, brought about by radioactive probe, shows only those fragments of interest from the polymorphic area of the DNA.Autoradiography is carried out next where the blot is placed in contact with a p iece of x-ray film, where the radioactivity probe exposes the film and bands appear on the film where the probe has bound to the DNA. The results are then interpreted and in the case of a criminal investigation or civil case, it is matched against the suspect’s DNA profile, thus completing the process. (Hoeffel, 1990) This method is however very long-winded, cumbersome and the combination of all the above-mentioned steps could take about a month to complete.A large sample is required which makes it tougher. Hence other methods are adopted in recent times. |Polymerase Chain Reaction | With the invention of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique, DNA profiling took huge strides forward in both discriminating power and the ability to recover information from very small (or degraded) starting samples. PCR greatly amplifies the amounts of a specific region of DNA.This process increases the number of copies of the allele, making enough DNA to allow the test to be performed on what may have originally been a DNA sample of insufficient molecular weight. Due to this technique the test can be conducted using a single hair strand. (Hoeffel, 1990) This process consists of a series of 20-40 repeated temperature changes, called cycles, with each cycle commonly consisting of 2-3 discrete temperature steps. The cycling is often preceded by a single temperature step (called hold) at a high temperature (>90 °C), and followed by one hold at the end for final product extension or brief storage.The temperatures used and the length of time they are applied in each cycle depend on a variety of parameters. These include the enzyme used for DNA synthesis, the concentration of divalent ions and dNTPs in the reaction, and the melting temperature (Tm) of the primers. The rest of the process is similar to the RFLP method. The major breakthrough is the fact that now the smallest trace of evidence can be used for DNA profiling as opposed to the large samples needed in th e RFLP method. |Short Tandem Repeat Analysis |Also known as Microsatellites, short tandem repeats is used as an extension of the PCR Method. This method uses highly polymorphic regions that have short repeated sequences of DNA (the most common is 4 bases repeated, but there are other lengths in use, including 3 and 5 bases). (Hoeffel, 1990) Because unrelated people almost certainly have different numbers of repeat units, STRs can be used to discriminate between unrelated individuals. These STR loci (locations on a chromosome) are targeted with sequence-specific primers and amplified using PCR.The DNA fragments that result are then separated and detected using electrophoresis. |Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism | This is another technique that is much faster than RFLP and uses PCR. It not only has higher reproducibility, resolution, and sensitivity at the whole genome level compared to other techniques, but it also has the capability to amplify between 50 and 100 fra gments at one time. In addition, no prior sequence information is needed for amplification (Meudt & Clarke 2007).As a result, AFLP has become extremely beneficial in the study of bacteria, fungi, and plants, where much is still unknown about the genomic makeup of various organisms. |Applications of DNA Profiling | DNA profiling is extensively used for paternity testing and forensic analysis for criminal investigations. Parental testing is the use of genetic fingerprinting to determine whether two individuals have a biological parent–child relationship.Comparing the DNA sequence of an individual to that of another individual can show whether one of them was derived from the other. Specific sequences are usually looked at to see whether they were copied verbatim from one of the individual's genome to the other. (Berry, 1991) As for forensic analysis, laboratories compare the molecular weights of fragments of DNA from the suspect sample and crime sample and decide whether the t wo fragments could have come from the same individual. There are major benefits from this technology: the potential to make speedy and robust suspected offender identi? ations through automated profile comparisons in centralized criminal justice databases; the ability to con? dently eliminate innocent suspects from investigations; the increased likelihood of generating reliable and persuasive evidence for use in court; a reduction in the cost of many investigations; the likely deterrent effect of DNA databasing on potential criminal offenders; and a possible increase in public con? dence in policing and in the wider judicial process. (Berry, 1991) We will explore the ramifications of this extensive use in the next section. Is it ethical? | Now that we know the widespread use of DNA profiling, we see the power that it has and the influence it can have when it comes to people’s lives and the verdict issued in criminal cases. But is this power justified on an ethical front? Is i t ethical to give so much power into the hands of the people responsible for carrying out these tests? Indeed, the development and application of DNA pro? ling has been widely described as the â€Å"greatest breakthrough in forensic science since ? ngerprinting. †However, the spread of forensic DNA pro? ing and databasing has also prompted a wide range of concerns about problems that may arise from the storage of tissue samples (especially those taken from individuals without consent) and the proliferating uses of genetic information by the police. (Williams & Johnson, 2006) One could say that DNA profiling violates basic ethical values. Based on the values of liberty, our rights are technically reduced by police powers, which have the right to take and retain fingerprints and DNA profiles and samples without consent. The Forensic Use of Bioinformation: Ethical Issues, 2007) â€Å"So act that you use humanity, whether in your own person or in the person of any other, always at the same time as an end, never merely as a means†; these words of wisdom imparted by Kant, also suggest that DNA profiling and the freedom to use that as evidence without explicit permission of the individual concerned would be using them as a means to an end and not an end in themselves. Therefore it can be argued that using DNA profiling takes away autonomy. The Forensic Use of Bioinformation: Ethical Issues, 2007) Spatial privacy is â€Å"a state of non-access to the individual’s physical or psychological self†. This is invaded by the nonconsensual taking of biological samples and fingerprints, and, to a lesser extent, by unwanted surveillance of the individual. And as can be inferred by the very nature of DNA profiling, informational privacy and anonymity is infringed upon by using samples obtained from databases and tests. (The Forensic Use of Bioinformation: Ethical Issues, 2007)Additional issues arise if identifiable samples or profiles on a forensic d atabase are used for research outside the narrow context of identification and police investigations. Using DNA profiling for paternity testing and for determining one’s lineage can be very harmful as it violates the privacy of the people concerned. It could cause potential moral and mental harm to the parents and the children concerned as entire families can be uprooted as a result of this. Past criminal cases which used paternity testing also prove that relatives and families can be affected mentally as well as physically.People in witness protection programs as well as people on the police databases can be negatively affected if a previously unknown family link is reestablished without their knowledge and consent. (Haimes, 2006) The list of legal and ethical concerns is endless. The question the arises that which side wins? Benefits of DNA profiling, or the issues concerning DNA profiling? |Which side is stronger? | Having seen the costs and benefits of DNA profiling and i ts usage, the benefits are debatable on moral and ethical grounds.However, in my personal opinion, it does not have to be black and white; good or bad. There can be a grey area, a middle ground, where DNA profiling is neither entirely correct nor entirely wrong. There have been cases where DNA evidence has saved many innocent lives and incriminated people who had been causing immense harm to others. Thus, we should pass legislations, which aim at curbing violations and encouraging true and just practices. In the cases where the DNA of individuals is being used as evidence or if parental testing is being done, their should be informed consent by the individuals.They should be aware of the sensitive nature of the information and should be expressly asked for consent to have the data published or used as evidence. The National DNA Database set up in the UK is an example of the dangers and benefits DNA profiling can hold. Personally, a national DNA database in all countries would be a v ery risky venture as a lot of personal information would be at stake and inter country rivalries could result. We have established the power of DNA profiling and the power that people who have access to this information have. So I would like to end with a quote.One’s interpretation of this quote can determine where they stand on the matter. â€Å"It is time for you to gather some idea of what power means. The first thing you must realize is that power is collective. The individual has power in so far as he ceases to be an individual†¦ The second thing for you to realize is that power is power over human beings. Over the body- but, above all, over the mind. Power over matter- external reality, as you would call it- is not important. Already our control over matter is absolute. †– George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four Bibliography | Berry, D. A. (1991). Inferences Using DNA Profiling in Forensic Identification and Paternity Cases. Statistical Science , 6 (2), pp. 175-205. Haimes, E. (2006, June 1). Social and Ethical Issues in the Use of Familial Searching in Forensic Investigations: Insight from Family and Kinship Studies. Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics , 263-276. Hoeffel, J. C. (1990, January). The Dar Side of DNA Profiling: Unreliable Scientific Evidence Meets the Criminal Defendant. Stanford Law Review , 42 (2), pp. 465-538.McKie, R. (2009, May 24). Eureka moment that led to the discovery of DNA fingerprinting. Retrieved October 10, 2012, from The Guardian: http://www. guardian. co. uk/science/2009/may/24/dna-fingerprinting-alec-jeffreys Segan, C. J. (1992, February 15). DNA Profiling. The Dictionary of Modern Medicine . The Forensic Use of Bioinformation: Ethical Issues. (2007, September). NuField Council on Bioethics . Williams, R. , & Johnson, P. (2006, June 1). Inclusiveness, Effectiveness and Intrusiveness: Issues in the Developing Uses of DNA Pro? ling in Support of Criminal Investigations. Journal of Law, Medicine and Et hics , 234-247. Wikipedia
Friday, January 10, 2020
Changes in Prisons
Changes in Prisons BY Logrolling Changes in Prison The American Correction system has been in existence for over 130 years. It has been since the meeting of American Prison Congress on 1870 in Cincinnati, Ohio. (Allen, Latest & Ponder, 2013, p 30-31) The reformation was totally encompassing the inmate's life in prison. The minds that met in 1870 were ahead of their times. With having put accountability and standards in the prison system created an improvement for the prisoner and the term he/she served. The beginnings were in Philadelphia at the Old Stone Jails on Third and Market Streets.Its purpose was to hold debtors, and others awaiting trial. It has come a long way from the origins of the first Jails of the American Revolutionary however faltering in different fashions. The Jails were inadequate facilities. Inmates were lumped together male and female. A new Jail was erected in Walnut Street. This new Jail became the first state prison in Pennsylvania. The state prison had creat ed separate cells for the various inmates. It also instilled different punishment in accordance with the crime.Walnut Street prison had implemented new workshops to educated prisoners with useful employment. Nonstop, Ph. D. , 2012) Walnut Street prison set up was the ideal make up for the moment. The state prison was the foundation for many more prisons to be built in the same fashion. Because of the rapidly growing population, a new Jail was begun in 1773 on Walnut Street, behind the State House (later, Independence Hall). The new prison had the traditional layout of large rooms for the inmates. Initially, conditions were little better than they had been at the old Jail.Prisoners awaiting trial might barter their clothes for liquor or be forcibly stripped upon entering by other inmates seeking funds for the bar. The result was great suffering when the weather turned cold. One estimate stated that 20 gallons of spirits were brought into the prison daily by the Jailer for sale to the inmates. It was also considered a common practice for certain women to arrange to get arrested to gain access to the male prisoners. After the peace of 1783, a group of prominent citizens led by Benjamin Franklin, Benjamin Rush and others organized a movement to reform the harsh penal code of 1718.The new law substituted public labor for the previous severe punishments. Members of the Society were shocked by what they learned about the new Walnut Street prison. The next year they presented to the state legislature an explanation of their investigations of the conditions. They recommended solitary confinement at hard labor as a remedy and reformative strategy. An act of 1790 brought about sweeping reforms in the prison and authorized a penitentiary house with 16 cells to be built in the yard of the Jail to carry out solitary confinement with labor for â€Å"hardened atrocious offenders. Walnut Street Jail, by the same legislation, became the first state prison in Pennsylvania. Foll owing 1790, the Walnut Street Jail became a showplace, with separation of different sorts of prisoners and workshops providing useful trade instruction. The old abuses and idleness seemed eliminated, but with Walnut Street now a state prison and the population of Philadelphia increasing rapidly, it, like its previous Jail, became unbearably crowded. The large rooms, 18 feet square, which still housed most of the prisoners, by 1795, had between 30 and 40 occupants each.The Prison Society continued to urge the creation of large penitentiaries for the more efficient handling of prisoners. The reformers also remained convinced that in spite of the small-scale isolation cellulose at Walnut Street, that site would never prove the value of the system of separate incarceration which came to be called the Pennsylvania System. Only an entire larger structure, built specifically to separate inmates from one another, would be needed. Legislation was finally passed on March 20, 1821, and eleven commissioners were appointed by the governor.Among them was Samuel Wood, later to be the first warden of the prison. All but three of the building commissioners were either members of the Pennsylvania Prison Society or had revered on the board of inspectors of the Walnut Street Jail. Members of the Prison Society felt that the solution to the disorder and corruption in most prisons and even at the Walnut Street Jail lay in complete separation of each inmate for his or her entire sentence, a system which had been tried occasionally in England but was always abandoned because of costs and inadequate prison structures.The small â€Å"penitentiary house†of 16 cells at Walnut Street Jail had ended up being used mostly for hard core prisoners and as punishment for infractions of prison rules. What was deed was a solely new kind of prison on a large scale. In 1822, work began on what was to become Eastern State Penitentiary, although at the time it was called Cherry Hill because it moved a cherry orchard. Despite not being finished, the prison opened in 1829.Completed in 1836, it turned out to be one of the largest structures in the country at the time and was higher than preliminary cost estimates. Each prisoner was to be provided with a cell from which they would rarely leave and each cell had to be large enough to be a workplace and have attached a small individual exercise yard. Cutting edge technology of the asses and asses was used to install conveniences unmatched in other public buildings: central heating (before the U. S.Capitol); a flush toilet in each cell (long before the White House was provided with such conveniences); shower baths (apparently the first in the country). The system of 24-hour separation of each prisoner coupled with in-cell feeding, work and sometimes vocational instruction, came to be known as the Pennsylvania System or Separate System, and remained the official position of the Pennsylvania Prison Society throughout the 19th cen tury, although the system and its unusual architecture -? a central hub and baking celluloses -? were seldom imitated in other states.
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