Sunday, March 22, 2020
George Washingtons Advice to the American People free essay sample
George Washington’s farewell letter, it is almost impossible for me to choose his most important piece of advice. His points seem almost haunting while reading them with our country in its present condition. Washington had such foresight and wisdom. The sad reality is that we as a country have so strayed from his advice. He made multiple points that I think are vastly important. Washington warned against political parties. He pointed out that they only cause disagreements and disunity among the people. Instead of Americans being one unified people, we have become defined by our political party. Republicans and democrats are in constant struggle over views and agendas. Washington warned us to flee from these and hold fast to unity. Washington also emphasized the importance of religion and morality. He held tightly to the belief that a person’s spiritual life had effects on one’s decisions in everyday life. We will write a custom essay sample on George Washingtons Advice to the American People or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page With morality as the heart of an issue, people are more likely to treat each other fairly and be unified in spirit. One of the most outstanding pieces of advice from our first president sends chills down my spine. Washington encouraged sparing use of credit. He did not believe we as a nation should be in debt to anyone, which is also Biblical. He warned us to take heed of falling into debt. This is great advice that has so obviously been forgotten it is maddening. Our country is currently 16 trillion dollars in debt. We spend more than we take in, and we are putting our future in the hands of government of foreign lands. This reality speaks wholeheartedly to Washington’s next piece of advice. The last two pieces of advice I believe go hand in hand. Washington spelled out plainly that we did not want to be overly involved with other nations; in fact, he discouraged permanent alliances with any foreign nation. By doing so, we put our national security at possible risk. In regards to national security, Washington believed that we should have a strong military force. Being in the military, Washington understood to need for men purposed to fight for our freedom. This is yet another issue we face today with our current president wishing to downsize our military. I truly believe if we will begin to follow Washington’s advice, at least in part, we can improve the future of our country. Lastly, I believe Washington encouraged unity in almost every point he made. He was passionate for our country, for our freedom, for our future. In his farewell address he stated that at the mere thought of the honor and privilege of being an American, the spirit of patriotism should unite us all to action. The pride of being an American should link us like no other nation before or since.
Thursday, March 5, 2020
What You Need to Know About Susan B. Anthony
What You Need to Know About Susan B. Anthony Working closely with Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony was a primary organizer, speaker, and writer for the 19th century womens rights movement in the United States, especially the first phases of the long struggle for womens vote, the womens suffrage movement or woman suffrage movement. Susan B. Anthony Biography To learn more about the life of Susan B. Anthony, consult the biography of Anthony on this site: Susan B. Anthony Fun Facts 13 Surprising Facts About Susan B. Anthony Susan B. Anthony Pictures In this gallery are pictures of Susan B. Anthony and several related to her life. Susan B. Anthony Pictures Susan B. Anthonys Contributions to History Susan B. Anthonys work with the womens suffrage movement is an integral part of that movements history, as she and Stanton were central to that work. General accounts of the suffrage movement for the last half of the 19th century and first few years of the 20th century thus are excellent resources about Susan B. Anthonys contributions to history: The Long Road to Suffrage - a description of the woman suffrage movement from Seneca Falls to 1920 Womens Suffrage Events - a timeline of events in the history of the womens suffrage movement in America, starting with Susan B. Anthonys stand in 1837 for equal pay for women teachers. One particular incident which featured Susan B. Anthony was her attempt to vote and subsequent trial for that offense. The trial is considered a landmark in American womens history: United States v. Susan B. Anthony National Woman Suffrage Association: Susan B. Anthony (with Elizabeth Cady Stanton) headed up this wing of the split womens suffrage movement, 1869 - 1890. Susan B. Anthony Quotes This collection of Susan B. Anthony quotes will give a flavor of her speeches and writings: Susan B. Anthony Quotes About Susan B. Anthony - Contemporary Accounts Contemporary sources writings from the time someone was alive may not include some of the analysis which historians later developed about particular individuals, but they do provide us with personal details about a persons life, and a perspective on how that individual was perceived while she was alive. This site includes several contemporary sources about Susan B. Anthony: In these excerpts from The History of Woman Suffrage Volume 1, Elizabeth Cady Stanton describes Susan B. Anthonys entrance into the new movement for womens rights, the beginning of a lifelong friendship between the two women:Reminiscences by Elizabeth Cady StantonIn Reminiscences of Famous Women, Harriet Townsend described her own memory of Susan B. Anthony:Susan B. Anthony by Harriet A. TownsendWhen Susan B. Anthony died in 1906, she was well-known for her work in the womens suffrage movement. This contemporary obituary says a lot about how she was known and how the media and general public thought of her at the time of her death:Susan B. Anthony Obituary - 1906 Susan B. Anthony in Context To understand Susan B. Anthonys contribution to the womens suffrage movement, these additional resources may be helpful: Timelines: Womens Suffrage Events - a timeline of events in the history of the womens suffrage movement in America, starting with Susan B. Anthonys stand in 1837 for equal pay for women teachers. American Woman Suffrage Timeline - Winning the Vote - a timeline of the state-by-state legal changes on the long road to the vote for American womenOverviews: The Long Road to Suffrage - a description of the woman suffrage movement from Seneca Falls to 1920Key Events in the Womens Suffrage Movement Seneca Falls Womens Rights Convention - 1848 - Though Susan B. Anthony did not attend this event, it was key in initiating the active movement for the vote that Anthony participated in for the rest of her life. Womens Rights and the Fourteenth Amendment: this amendment to the constitution split the womens suffrage movement, and later served as a basis for winning womens rights Suffrage Turning Points 1913 - 1917: the March on Washington in 1913 through the reintroduction of the Susan B. Anthony am endment August 26, 1920 - after Susan B. Anthonys death, the womens suffrage amendment to the U.S. Constitution finally was ratified, including women as full voting citizens Related Individuals Elizabeth Cady Stanton - Stanton and Anthony were friends and cooperated closely in their work in the womens suffrage movement. Womens Suffrage Biographies - find biographies and other resources of other key activists in the womens suffrage movementMore articles and other resources about the womens suffrage movement: Womens Suffrage - what you need to know about the womens suffrage movement Test Your Knowledge Check out how much you know about the womens suffrage movement with this online quiz: Womens Suffrage Quiz Susan B. Anthony - in Print, in Films The following list includes books by Susan B. Anthony (some with recent analysis and commentary by editors), books about Susan B. Anthony, and books for children and young adults about Susan B. Anthony: Susan B. Anthony Books In 1999, a documentary on Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton and their suffrage work premiered. Not for Ourselves Alone
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