Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Importance of Human Resource Department - 1946 Words
The importance of the Human Resource Department by Ng Hui Chen, GSM Employee is one of the most important assets of a company as they have significant influential power to the success of a company. Therefore, effective and efficient human resource management is crucial to every organization. However, the emergence of the centralized Human Resource Department (HRD) has created conflicts on whether the responsibility of human resource management should lie on line managers or HRD. The debate about the roles of line managers and centralized HRD in human resource management has been ongoing since couple of years ago (Hutchinson and Purcell, 2003). In my opinion, HRD remains as one of the important role within an organization despite the need†¦show more content†¦HRD can step in to investigate and change the line manager’s decision. According to Amit Bhagaria, 2010, some unscrupulous companies will run roughshod over the rights of their employees. With HRD to review and evaluate the HR policies all the times, they will ensure the rights of the employees are always secured. HR personnel are also the staff of the companies. Certainly, they wouldn’t allow the company to run roughshod over their rights as well! In this way, they have helped to improve the general staff’s well being. When the staff feels positive about the company, they will improve productivity and are also more likely to stay with the company longer. HRD can serve as the channel of assistance or complaints to staff. Some of the human resource issues need to be tackled by third party like HRD other than the line manager. For example, a staff might decide to leave the company when the line manager declines his/her request of transfer. Staff might be retained in the company with the assistance of HRD. Apart from that, staff can also file their complaints to HRD when there are unfair treatments by line managers. Besides, HRD can assist to conduct the exit interview for staff that are leaving the company. Staffs tend to more reserve in the exit interview conducted by line manager if the reason of resignation is due to that line manager. Hence, the outcome of theShow MoreRelatedThe Importance Of A Good Human Resource Department1748 Words  | 7 PagesA good human resource department is essential to any successful businesses in today’s society. Before human resource managers were seen as people who deal with employee disputes and little more, now this is just one small part of their role to organisations. Human resource is a huge department for reasons as being a key planner in helping company’s employee performances. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Chapter 1 Business Ethics - 2294 Words
chapter 1 BUSINESS ETHICS, THE CHANGING ENVIRONMENT, AND STAKEHOLDER MANAGEMENT |TOPICS COVERED | 1.1 Business Ethics and the Changing Environment 1.2 WHAT IS BUSINESS ETHICS? WHY DOES IT MATTER? 1.3 LEVELS OF BUSINESS ETHICS 1.4 FIVE MYTHS ABOUT BUSINESS ETHICS 1.5 WHY USE ETHICAL REASONING IN BUSINESS? 1.6 CAN BUSINESS ETHICS BE TAUGHT AND TRAINED? 1.7 PLAN OF THE BOOK |lecture outline | 1.1 Business Ethics and the Changing Environment Businesses and governments†¦show more content†¦b. the most frequent types of misconduct observed are abusive or intimidating behavior (21%), misreporting hours worked (20%), lying (19%), and withholding needed information (18%). c. employees in organizations undergoing merger, acquisition, or restructuring observe misconduct and feel pressure at nearly double the rate of those in more stable organizations. d. younger managers with low tenure in their organizations are twice as likely to feel pressure to compromise ethics standards. e. nearly half of all non-management employees do not report misconduct they observe. f. younger employees with low tenure are among the least likely to report misconduct. g. less than 58% of employees who report misconduct are satisfied with their organization’s response. h. senior and middle managers have less fear of reporting misconduct, are more satisfied with the response of their organizations, and feel that honest and respect are practiced more frequently than do lower level employees. B. Unethical Business Practices by Industry 1. One survey showed that the most unethical behavior happens in the following areas, beginning with the industry that has the most instances of unethical behavior: a. government b. sales c. law d. media e. finance f. medicine g. banking h. manufacturing 2. EthicalShow MoreRelatedChapter 1â€â€the Importance of Business Ethics Test Banks Essay2309 Words  | 10 Pages------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1â€â€The Importance of Business Ethics MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. 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Sunday, December 8, 2019
Organizational Mode Effective Communication -Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discus About The Organizational Mode Effective Communication? Answer: Introducation The initial psychometric assessment is to assess the verbal communications competence. This assessment portrays how an individual behaves with other people to involve then during discussion. I have achieved 107 in this evaluation and that projects that I have good intrapersonal skills though there are room for improvement. I listen to what others are saying and I welcome any new ideas what others may suggest. Generally I try to get to know the frame of reference along with the perception of the others. I have seen that I do not proactively react to an issue in order to solve it and this is something that should be improved by me. The second evaluation demonstrates the self-observed competence of communications result that shows my competence to communicate with individuals of various categories like friends, strangers and acquaintances. In this assessment I got 82 in average and that shows that I am rather comfortable with talking to the friends than the strangers and I have to improve my skills to communicate with large groups. The third assessment shows the assessment of the skills of individuals. This evaluation helps to assess whether a person can be a good team member or the leader of the team. In this assessment I got 53 that reveal that I have the potential to be a good team member and at times I show some behaviours learnt from my team members. I have seen that I tend to accept the opinions of my team members and at times feel pressurized when I need to solve an issue within a short time span. These things reflect that I need to improve my ability to understand a discussion more efficiently and to project my opinion on that at the same time as well. Then I will be able to improve my leadership qualities eventually. The fourth evaluation is the self-report of non-verbal immediacy scale that focuses on the tonal quality of the speed, body language, eye contact or movements of the hands at the time of a discussion. These features help to understand how the persons are interested to continue the conversation. I achieved 84 in this assessment that shows that my skills of communication are average. I use my hands in order to make a point in a conversation and I make eye contacts frequently in order to check whether the other person is getting what I am trying to say or not. On the other hand, I use a range of vocal expression and sometimes get stiff while talking to others; these aspects need to be improved. The final psychometric evaluation is associated with the skills of presentation using which I can attract the attention of the audience in a conversation. I scored 56 in this assessment and that shows that I can present something in a well manner and can also get the attention of the audience quickly due to the good content of the presentation. The evaluation asserts that my preferences are using visuals in the presentation so that the the audience can relate to the content. On the other hand, I do not get familiar with the room of the presentation that exposes my to some sort of problems and makes me nervous at times. I ask my audience to raise questions if they get confused with my content and I try to provide some examples to make my content more understandable. Apart from these I tend to give in some evidences to make my points even stronger and trustworthy. Two issues The two main issues found from the five evaluations are the communicating with ease in the presence if larger group and lack of showcasing leadership style. I allow other individuals to give their opinions and in general welcome their opinion. I think that taking action is the most accepted thing for a solution can motivate the employees to work as they feel they are asset of the organization. But at times in critical position, when there is o time left to arrange meetings and I need to direct the employees, I feel pressurized. The second issue in this regard is that I hesitate to make a point while talking to a large group of people. The main issue in this regard is that I think more regarding the other individuals concern and their reaction if they do not like my point. Reflection on 2 interactions I was chosen for the role of an assistant manager and there I had to take decisions of team shuffle among the various departments. To achieve these criteria, I had to observe the level of competence of the each employee and had to form new teams in order to achieve the targets set by the management of the organization. I had chosen to gather feedbacks from the employees regarding the new team formation and whether the new plans are effective or not. In these cases, I think acrobatic leadership style will be the most appropriate one. The following incident is associated with the incident stated above. I had arranged a mass meeting and I did not know all the employees of that organization. I had prepared a speech for the meeting on the effectiveness of team shuffling, but I could not deliver all that I intend to due to my issues regarding communicating with large groups. Communication as a concept: According to Kernbach, Eppler and Bresciani (2015), the process of two or more than two people sharing their perception or thought process can be considered as the communicational approach. There are two ends of a communication process: the sender of the message and the receiver of the message. When a person requires sharing his or her thoughts or concerns, they can communicate easily. There are various categories of communication: visualization, written communication, non-verbal communication and verbal communication. The person involved in a verbal communication has to use a medium such as television, telephone or radio, on the other hand, the non-verbal communication involves body language, gestures, movement of hands, eye-contact etc. As indicated by Bove, Thill and Raina (2016), the written communication involves letters, books, emails, magazine, social media websites in order to communicate with each other. There is another type of communication, visualization, which involves u sage of graphs, charts and other picture representations for expressing views. Significance of Communication: As a process, communication tends to allow people to find out about various traditions and cultures. Within a business organization, people can come from various cultural backgrounds who are working at a same place, therefore through an effectual communication process; they can share their thoughts and knowledge with each other (Cornelissen Cornelissen, 2017). This procedure can enhance achieving the organizational objectives and goals. Therefore this can be beneficial for the firm in the long run. In addition to that, it should be noted that there are various departments within an organization that are working on a same project. Effectual communication process is helpful for the managers for avoiding the resource allocation for a same task. If there is effective communication amongst employees they can coordinate and cooperate with each other. Therefore it can save a huge amount of economic resources and cost. Goetsch and Davis (2014), has indicated that effectual communication within an organization is not always face to face communication, rather it can be done through notice boards and bulletins of the office or through emails. Other than these, communication process can also be helpful for dealing with the comparatively new employees in the organization. If an individual employee is not feeling quite comfortable in the organization, he or she can let the organization know about the issue through verbal communication (Samovar et al., 2014). Moreover, it has also been indicated that within the organizational context, the employees can also share their concerns in a formal way through email. Therefore it can be said that effectual communication process helps each employee of the organization to share their issues and concerns. Along with that, employees can also share their concerns on any kind of adverse situation the organization is facing at the current time. Shannon Weaver's Model of Communication Shannon Weaver's Model of Communication has been developed by Warren Weaver and Claude Elwood Shannon in 1948. The primary features of this particular communicational model are: encoder, decoder, sender, channel, noise and receiver (Al-Fedaghi, 2012). This model states that the sender within the communication is responsible for creating the message and then he or she chooses the appropriate channel for passing the message. This has also been indicated that the encoder can be considered as the machine which is responsible fir converting the message in binary codes in order to make the machine understand the specific data and information in a message. The channel works as the medium and helps the message to pass through it. The receiver is the one who stays at the receiving end of the communication process and provide necessary feedback though the same channel. The decoder works as another machine that tends to convert the binary code in the regular message so that the receiver can und erstand the actual message. In this model, noise is considered as the external feature which can be applied within certain environment through people. This can cause immediate disruption in the communicational process. This model can be utilized in the regular operational activities within any business organization. Marketers communicating with their clients through the medium of telephone are one of the major instances of this model. As stated by McQuail and Windahl (2015) if there is high amount of noise present in the communication process the client or the person at the receiving end of the communication may not be able to understand the message clearly. In this kind of a conversation, the marketer us the sender of the communication and the telephone operator company is the encoder. The network works as the channel of communication as it helps the communication to flow. The phone at the marketers end is the decoder of the communication and the client is the receiver here. Face negotiation theory The face negotiation theory shows that the conflict style differences among the individualistic cultures. The collectivist culture values the group and thus adopts a conflict style to integrate to provide others mutual face (Mindess, 2014). The individualistic cultures actually put value in the persons and try to protect the self-face. In this manner the individuals adopts a conflict style that is often seen a dominating one. Social exchange theory The theory of social theory deals with the economic exchange regarding the intrapersonal relationships. That means the relationships gets improved by if each others satisfy each others self-interest (Goleman, 2017). According to this theory the self-interest is not at all a bad thing and it can be seen as an idea that builds a relationship. Berlo's SMCR Model of Communication This model is considered as an extension of the previous communication model. Moreover, this model also includes various characteristics of different aspects of the communication process for making the entire communication process more effective. Turaga (2016) has indicated that decoding and encoding of the message have been more emphasized in this model. The main features of the communication process described in this model are: message, channel, sender and receiver. This model says that the message can be considered as the content or the factors of discussion. The sender conveys his or her perception or thought through this message. In addition to that, the code and the structure of the message are very much important while creating the message. The channel refers to the medium utilized for delivering the message. Newell (2012) has stated that the channels are mostly technical apparatuses or the senses of any human being, such as seeing, hearing, smelling, touching and tasting. The sender of the message is mostly considered as the source of the entire communication process. The sender requires having basic knowledge on the culture, social system or the social attitude. This helps to enhance the process. There should also be an effectual understanding between the receiver and sender for making a proper communication. Communication skills of a leader The leaders are expected to have few skills of communication. They should have fundamental non-verbal expertise for making their employees understand that they are interested in their issues (Goleman, 2017). Leaning the body or making eye contact can be effective. They should also listen carefully to the employees for understanding their situation. A good leader should have knowledge about the perception of the employees for making right decision. However it has also been said that autocratic leadership should be followed if employees need guidance to deal with a situation (Mindess, 2014). Also, if the leader tends to follow the contingency styles of leadership, they are expected to listen to all the employees and make the decision even if they do not get enough support. These leaders are seen to be job-oriented. Contributing factors for improving communication within a group: Therefore, it can be said that while making any conversation, there are different kinds of distractions. If there are too many issues, the primary points should be written for preparing the presentation. It can be helpful for sticking to the agenda and focus on the main aspects of the topic. Another factor that enhances the communication is the choice of works. Some organizations prefer using informal ways to deal with situation whereas some prefer a formal way (Sorrells, 2015). Therefore on the basis of the gravity of the situation, it can be changed References Al-Fedaghi, S. (2012). A Conceptual Foundation for the Shannon-Weaver Model of Communication.International Journal of Soft Computing,7(1), 12-19. Bove, C. L., Thill, J. V., Raina, R. L. (2016).Business communication today. Pearson Education India. Cornelissen, J., Cornelissen, J. P. (2017).Corporate communication: A guide to theory and practice. Sage. Goetsch, D. L., Davis, S. B. (2014).Quality management for organizational excellence. Upper Saddle River, NJ: pearson. Goleman, D. (2017).Leadership That Gets Results (Harvard Business Review Classics). Harvard Business Press. Jandt, F. E. (2017).An introduction to intercultural communication: Identities in a global community. Sage Publications. Kernbach, S., Eppler, M. J., Bresciani, S. (2015). The use of visualization in the communication of business strategies: An experimental evaluation.International Journal of Business Communication,52(2), 164-187. McQuail, D., Windahl, S. (2015).Communication models for the study of mass communications. Routledge. Mindess, A. (2014).Reading between the signs: Intercultural communication for sign language interpreters. Nicholas Brealey Publishing. Newell, B. (2012). Simple models, powerful ideas: Towards effective integrative practice.Global Environmental Change,22(3), 776-783. Samovar, L. A., Porter, R. E., McDaniel, E. R., Roy, C. S. (2014).Intercultural communication: A reader. Cengage Learning. Sorrells, K. (2015).Intercultural communication: Globalization and social justice. Sage publications. Turaga, R. (2016). Organizational models of effective communication.IUP Journal of Soft Skills,10(2), 56. Wu, S. P. J., Straub, D. W., Liang, T. P. (2015). How information technology governance mechanisms and strategic alignment influence organizational performance: Insights from a matched survey of business and IT managers.Mis Quarterly,39(2), 497-518.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
The Great Gatsby - The American Dream Essays - The Great Gatsby
The Great Gatsby - The American Dream The Great Gatsby The Great Gatsby, a novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald, is about the American Dream, and the downfall of those who attempt to capture its illusionary goals. This is a common them central to many novels. This dream has varying significances for different people but in The Great Gatsby, for Jay, the dream is that through wealth and power, one can acquire happiness. To get this happiness Jay must reach into the past and relive an old dream and in order to do this he must have wealth and power. Jay Gatsby, the central figure of the story, is a character who longs for the past. Surprisingly he devotes most of his adult life trying to recapture it and, finally, dies in its pursuit. In the past, Jay had a love affair with the beautiful and seemingly innocent Daisy. Knowing he could not marry her because of the difference in their social status, he leaves her to accumulate his wealth to reach her economic and social standards. Once he acquires this wealth, he moves near to Daisy, "Gatsby bought that house so that Daisy would be just across the bay (83)," and throws extravagant parties, hoping by chance she might show up at one of them. He, himself, does not attend his parties but watches them from a distance. When his hopes don't show true he asks around casually if anyone knows her. Soon he meets Nick Carraway, a cousin of Daisy, who agrees to set up a meeting, "He wants to know...if you'll invite Daisy to your house some afternoon and then let him come over (83)." Gatsb y's personal dream symbolizes the larger American Dream where all have the opportunity to get what they want. Later, as we see in the Plaza Hotel, Jay still believes that Daisy loves him. He is convinced of this as is shown when he takes the blame for Myrtle's death. "Was Daisy driving?" "Yes...but of course I'll say I was." (151) He also watches and protects Daisy as she returns home. "How long are you going to wait?" "All night if necessary." (152) Jay cannot accept that the past is gone and done with. Jay is sure that he can capture his dream with wealth and influence. He believes that he acted for a good beyond his personal interest and that should guarantee success. Nick attempts to show Jay the flaw of his dream, but Jay innocently replies to Nick's statement that the past cannot be relived by saying, "Can't repeat the pastWhy of course you can!? (116). This shows the confidence that Jay has in reviving his relationship with Daisy. For Jay, his American Dream is not material possessions, although it may seem that way. He only comes into riches so that he can fulfill his true dream, Daisy. Gatsby doesn't rest until his dream is finally lived. However, it never comes about and he ends up paying the ultimate price for it. The idea of the American Dream still holds true in today's time, be it wealth, love, or fame. But one thing never changes about the American Dream; everyone desires something in life, and everyone, somehow, strives to get it. A big house, nice cars, 2.5 kids, a dog, a beautiful devoted spouse, power and a ridiculous amount of money. That is the classical American Dream, at least for some. One could say, an outsider perhaps, that Americans strive for the insurmountable goal of perfection, live, die and do unimaginable things for it, then call the product their own personal American Dream. Is having the American Dream possible? What is the American Dream? There is one answer for these two questions: The American Dream is tangible perfection. In reality, even in nature, perfection does not exist. Life is a series of imperfections that can make living really great or very unpleasant. Living the American Dream is living in perfection, and that by definition is not possible, thus deflating our precious American Dream. F. Scott Fitzgerald proves this fact in The Great Gatsby, through his scintillating characters and unique style. Characters in books often mirror the author's feelings towards the world around them. In The
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